"We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts," Fox News co-president Jack Abernethy, tells the Los Angeles Times. Noble thought from the media group that was found in studies to be the biggest bullshitter of all media groups. Like you need a study, if you ever watch them. Something like 2/3 bullshit.
It's good they are keeping her because I've heard that the people who pulled their advertisement from this flakes show, will then pull their advertisement from the whole Fox Crap News program. No Media group dese4ves it more. They want to have the ability to continue with their endless lies. But like any free capitalistic country , people and business can leave by using their feet. It's a beautiful thing. This country has to get rid of the fake news that is for sale on Fox Crap News Rush Fat Guy , Sinclair Broadcasting and any other designated hate group.
It's good they are keeping her because I've heard that the people who pulled their advertisement from this flakes show, will then pull their advertisement from the whole Fox Crap News program. No Media group dese4ves it more. They want to have the ability to continue with their endless lies. But like any free capitalistic country , people and business can leave by using their feet. It's a beautiful thing. This country has to get rid of the fake news that is for sale on Fox Crap News Rush Fat Guy , Sinclair Broadcasting and any other designated hate group.