Laugh of the day, Laura Ingraham sleaze Will Be Returning


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"We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts," Fox News co-president Jack Abernethy, tells the Los Angeles Times. Noble thought from the media group that was found in studies to be the biggest bullshitter of all media groups. Like you need a study, if you ever watch them. Something like 2/3 bullshit.
It's good they are keeping her because I've heard that the people who pulled their advertisement from this flakes show, will then pull their advertisement from the whole Fox Crap News program. No Media group dese4ves it more. They want to have the ability to continue with their endless lies. But like any free capitalistic country , people and business can leave by using their feet. It's a beautiful thing. This country has to get rid of the fake news that is for sale on Fox Crap News Rush Fat Guy , Sinclair Broadcasting and any other designated hate group.
Think about it this, their president who is by far the biggest threat and enemy of this country, calls the media the biggest enemy of this country, While promoting news groups that are known for their non stop lies. You can't make this stuff up
"We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts," Fox News co-president Jack Abernethy, tells the Los Angeles Times. Noble thought from the media group that was found in studies to be the biggest bullshitter of all media groups. Like you need a study, if you ever watch them. Something like 2/3 bullshit.
It's good they are keeping her because I've heard that the people who pulled their advertisement from this flakes show, will then pull their advertisement from the whole Fox Crap News program. No Media group dese4ves it more. They want to have the ability to continue with their endless lies. But like any free capitalistic country , people and business can leave by using their feet. It's a beautiful thing. This country has to get rid of the fake news that is for sale on Fox Crap News Rush Fat Guy , Sinclair Broadcasting and any other designated hate group.

Where else could she go but Fox?
Simple, right now Fox thinks it will make more money with than without her. If that changes, she will be gone in a skinny second. Fox just makes money and furthers it political agenda at the expense of it's mindless followers. That is all.
Think about it this, their president who is by far the biggest threat and enemy of this country, calls the media the biggest enemy of this country, While promoting news groups that are known for their non stop lies. You can't make this stuff up

It is all deliberate, orchestrated by design, from the President down to Sinclair's local news reports

If you can establish the entire media to be bogus, you can get away with anything you say or do, create or fabricate anything, plant any innuendo or originate the wildest of conspiracies. Any reports or checkers that point out the actual facts will be immediately attacked as "fake"

The concept is to promote "balanced" as automatically meaning factual regardless of validity, your view is just as legitimate as the other guys, none of them are authoritative

People buy it, or actually, swallow it
Simple, right now Fox thinks it will make more money with than without her. If that changes, she will be gone in a skinny second. Fox just makes money and furthers it political agenda at the expense of it's mindless followers. That is all.

well Russians pay them REALLY well
It is all deliberate, orchestrated by design, from the President down to Sinclair's local news reports

If you can establish the entire media to be bogus, you can get away with anything you say or do, create or fabricate anything, plant any innuendo or originate the wildest of conspiracies. Any reports or checkers that point out the actual facts will be immediately attacked as "fake"

The concept is to promote "balanced" as automatically meaning factual regardless of validity, your view is just as legitimate as the other guys, none of them are authoritative

People buy it, or actually, swallow it

its KGB disinformation tactics 101
"We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts," Fox News co-president Jack Abernethy, tells the Los Angeles Times. Noble thought from the media group that was found in studies to be the biggest bullshitter of all media groups. Like you need a study, if you ever watch them. Something like 2/3 bullshit.
It's good they are keeping her because I've heard that the people who pulled their advertisement from this flakes show, will then pull their advertisement from the whole Fox Crap News program. No Media group dese4ves it more. They want to have the ability to continue with their endless lies. But like any free capitalistic country , people and business can leave by using their feet. It's a beautiful thing. This country has to get rid of the fake news that is for sale on Fox Crap News Rush Fat Guy , Sinclair Broadcasting and any other designated hate group.

Welcome back Laura! Hope you had a good vacation!
It is all deliberate, orchestrated by design, from the President down to Sinclair's local news reports

If you can establish the entire media to be bogus, you can get away with anything you say or do, create or fabricate anything, plant any innuendo or originate the wildest of conspiracies. Any reports or checkers that point out the actual facts will be immediately attacked as "fake"

The concept is to promote "balanced" as automatically meaning factual regardless of validity, your view is just as legitimate as the other guys, none of them are authoritative

People buy it, or actually, swallow it
The supporters of that are stupid or worse traitors to this country