APP - Laura Ingraham: What A Classy Gal!


Only a severly demented right winger (yes, I know that's an oxymoron) could do something like this. I'll bet Sarah Palin's jealous she didn't think of it first.

Conservative radio host and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham attacked the speakers at the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech, at one point using the sound of a gunshot to cut off a sound bite of civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) -- a man whose skull was infamously fractured by a state trooper on "Bloody Sunday" in Selma, AL, in 1965. Ingraham used the speech's anniversary to race-bait about black-on-white crime statistics and hosted Pat Buchanan to bemoan the idea that minorities face any higher level of adversity in America 50 years later.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Washington, DC over the weekend to commemorate and recreate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 1963 March on Washington, an event originally dedicated to calling for civil and economic rights for African Americans. CBS News reported that the 50th anniversary event -- part of a week-long build-up to Wednesday's anniversary -- "was sponsored by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network, Martin Luther King III and the NAACP, featured a roster of speakers, including King, Sharpton, Attorney General Eric Holder, Newark Mayor Cory Booker and Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga. They spoke from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where 50 years ago this month King delivered his famous 'I Have A Dream' speech."

On her August 26 radio broadcast, Ingraham criticized the event and its speakers, saying the goal "was to co-opt the legacy of Martin Luther King into a modern-day liberal agenda," and scoffing at the topics speakers supposedly discussed: "From gay marriage, to immigration -- amnesty, was thrown in for good measure. We talked about the Voting Rights Act."

Ingraham ran through a list of African-American crime rates before hosting Pat Buchanan, a prominent racist with white nationalist ties. Buchanan dismissed the idea that minorities suffer any disadvantages in contemporary America, calling the idea "absurd" because "black folks excel and are hugely popular figures in everything from sports to entertainment to athletics to politics. Everywhere you go ... So the progress has been enormous."

At one point during her broadcast, Ingraham began playing a clip of Lewis' speech from the 50th anniversary rally, before interrupting the playback of his comments with the sound of a loud gunshot.

You can listen at the link.
I don't think this has anything to do with class though. This is just demented. These people are demented. Also, how are they getting away with this??? They need a serious visit from the authorities.
I don't think this has anything to do with class though. This is just demented. These people are demented. Also, how are they getting away with this??? They need a serious visit from the authorities.

It is disgusting and I thought after Gabby Gifford that this type of sensationalism used by talk show personalities would stop.

I await the backlash to her program.
It is disgusting and I thought after Gabby Gifford that this type of sensationalism used by talk show personalities would stop.

I await the backlash to her program.

The people dumb enough to listen to her program are applauding her.
Only a severly demented right winger (yes, I know that's an oxymoron) could do something like this. I'll bet Sarah Palin's jealous she didn't think of it first.

You can listen at the link.

Uh, my response, posted on her Facebook page.

"Ingraham was very unhappy with Saturday’s march celebrating the anniversary of the 1963 event, complaining that its goal “was to co-opt the legacy of Martin Luther King into a modern-day liberal agenda,” because as everyone knows, Martin Luther King was really a conservative Republican who gave a beautiful anti-affirmative action speech that consisted of a single line about his dream that one day people would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

An AP article says that the Rev. Joseph Lowery, who co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with King, "said there is no reason why anyone would think King was a Republican." Lowery told the AP that King almost certainly voted for Kennedy and that the only time he openly talked about politics was when he criticized Goldwater in 1964.

The story quotes Lowery as saying: "That was not the Martin I know, and I don't think they can substantiate that by any shape, form or fashion. It's purely propaganda and poppycock. ... Even if he was, he would have nothing to do with what the Republican Party stands for today."

So, Laura, difficult as it may be for you.....stop telling lies.
People have to remember when we talk about republicans there was once a time when they had a liberal wing, a sane wing, a rational wing, a not stupid wing, those times have passed.
Only a severly demented right winger (yes, I know that's an oxymoron) could do something like this. I'll bet Sarah Palin's jealous she didn't think of it first.

You can listen at the link.

how very very sick the right is in this country.

racism is alive and well