Lawyer who defended paedophiles jailed for sexually assaulting six children.


Lawyer who defended paedophiles jailed for sexually assaulting six children.

A solicitor who spent decades defending a series of paedophiles in court has been jailed for sexually assaulting six children. Mike Pulsford, 67, sexually assaulted three boys and three girls from a church youth group, forcing them to kiss him and touch him inappropriately. He even told one victim, 12, that the attack took place because he was ‘pretty’, Southampton Crown Court heard.

Pulsford was one of the first in the country to receive rights of power to be heard in a crown court, despite not actually being a barrister. He then embarked on a career defending a number of convicted sex offenders and, at the time, Britain’s youngest drink driver. But as one of his victims bravely faced him in court, they said that describing him as a man or even an animal would be a ‘travesty’. The court heard that Pulsford started abusing the children, who were part of church group the Crusaders, now known as Urban Saints, as a 23-year-old.

He admitted 16 counts of indecent assault between 1974 and 1989. The court heard that he had pretended to live by Christian values, while taking advantage of his position as a volunteer. Judge Peter Henry said: ‘You were a sexual predator. Whilst it might be said in the 1970s and 80s the public were less attuned to the serious impact of sexual abuse on children, you would be acutely aware as a solicitor.’ Pulsford, of Streatham, south London, had worked for law firm Jeary and Lewis before his victims came forward. Prosecutor Simon Wilshere told the court that Pulsford had been a senior group leader with the Crusaders when he met all his victims.
How can he practice with being a barrister? That is illegal here in the states (well attorney).