Lawyers’ Committee for 911 Inquiry


crybullies own Damo and Phan
The organization shall conduct investigations and public education in the public interest regarding matters related to the tragic events of September 11, 2001 (hereinafter referred to as “9/11”) and the circumstances leading up to and following those events, with a focus on government accountability regarding investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the crimes related to 9/11 (whether those responsible are foreign or domestic individuals, corporations, or government entities).

More than 20 years late but it looks like we're finally going to court.
Here's three pieces of glass, sell me Manhattan Island.
Here are publicly owned buildings, sell them to a private corporation without our knowledge weeks before they collect the insurance for the collapse.
Controlled demolition of the WTC case goes to the supreme court on 6.Jan.2023. The US attorney can only delay it by a few months. By March we'll know if there's any law left in this country.
Some random people have a conspiracy theory... And some of them are lawyers... Uhm... Who cares?
The victims of 911 including those who went abroad in search of monsters in a for-profit war. The supreme court reviews the case today. I'll keep you posted.
No news from the supreme court on the 911 Inquiry. The 1st amendment of the US constitution gives citizens the right to empanel a grand jury. If (when) the supreme court takes away our 1st amendment rights, it's only a matter of time before they come after our 2nd amendment rights.