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A lawyer accused of trying to rape a woman in his Midtown office claimed that there was no way he could be guilty — because he’s impotent and forgot to take his Viagra pill.

“I have erectile dysfunction,” Dan Nelson sheepishly testified at his trial in Manhattan Supreme Court.

It also probably didn’t help that he had already downed three bottles of wine before meeting his accuser.

The attorney admitted on the stand that he had boozed it up earlier that evening while on a disastrous date.

That date, he said, had infuriated him.

“Do you have anger issues relating to women?” the prosecutor asked.

“I do,” he said.

He testified that he met his accuser at McCabe’s bar in the East Village, where he arrived after drunkenly text-messaging about 10 other women.

Still, he and the woman agreed to go to the office of his law firm — where the conference room happened to be equipped with a $5,732 Murphy bed.

She mocked his sexual dysfunction as they began trying to have sex, he claimed.

“She said to me, ‘Is there a problem?’ I got upset.” he told jurors. “I thought she was taunting me because I couldn’t get an erection.”

Nelson said he had forgotten to take a Viagra tablet, which cops later found in his pocket.

The intellectual-property lawyer — who makes $50,000 a month and drives a $150,000 Aston Martin convertible — said the mockery made him mad and he told her to get out.

He admitted he angrily grabbed her arm and hair and pushed her toward the door.

“At first, she wouldn’t budge. Then she lunged away from me and twisted around, at which time her dress tore, ” Nelson told jurors.

The woman testified that she changed her mind about the one-night stand and that he choked her.

Nelson was also questioned about an incident with another woman earlier in the night. After bragging about his $35,000 watch, he repeatedly called her mother a whore, saying the woman left when he refused to stop.

“I don’t recall doing that,” Nelson replied.

Nelson said he had previously had sex on the office Murphy bed with at least one of the 10 women he drunk-texted.

A Broward lawyer arrested on federal child porn charges, is also accused of abusing two underage girls, according to court records.

David Rothenberg, 47, was arrested at his Margate home.

An undercover investigation revealed he was logging on to a "daddaughtersex" chat room from the Internet protocol address of his Fort Lauderdale law firm and trying to persuade a stranger to let him have sex with her 13-year-old daughter, authorities said.

Rothenberg did not realize he was communicating with an undercover officer for about six weeks.

Authorities said they moved swiftly to arrest Rothenberg on the child porn charges when they found evidence he was sexually abusing a real teenage girl.

When agents from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the FBI's taskforce on crimes against children went to arrest him, they uncovered evidence that he was abusing a second underage girl in Broward County, according to the criminal complaint.

Investigators traced the online Internet protocol address he was using to the Fort Lauderdale law firm where Rothenberg worked. During chats that continued into February, he revealed he was a lawyer and gave the undercover officer his birth date when he said he was celebrating his birthday. Investigators said he also sent a beach scene photo they traced to South Florida.

During one chat, investigators said Rothenberg wrote that he "may have something to share but it wouldn't be safe for work." A short time later, investigators said he sent a link to a child pornography video that showed a girl, who appeared to be about 10 years old.

Later, he sent more video links that included a 3-year-old girl being sexually abused by a woman and a 6-year-old also being abused, investigators wrote.

Rothenberg also sent the officer a photograph of one of the real girls he said he had abused and he provided her name and grade level.

Birmingham police have arrested a man in connection to a robbery, kidnapping and attempted murder that happened in late January.

James "Jim" Woolley, 50, is charged with first-degree robbery, first-degree kidnapping and attempted murder of the victim, a 28-year-old white male victim. He is being held on a $150,000 bond.

Woolley is a lawyer. He has an office listed in the 2000 block of 1st Avenue North.

"It's kind of ironic that you expect an individual that's actually practiced law to now be on the other side of the law,” Birmingham Police Lt. Sean Edwards said.

“So now, having an encounter with law enforcement, he's going to have to go through the processes just like anybody else that he would probably defend," Edward said.

Police did not release many details, but said the incident happened in the 800 block of 79th Street South on Monday, Jan. 25. Officers did not specify what time or the circumstances surrounding the case.

People in the legal community said they were shocked by the allegations against Woolley.

They said they know Jim Woolley to be a good attorney, one who often does pro bono work, mainly in the area of family and criminal law.

Woolley is also a veteran and those who know him said the types of crimes that normally go along with the charges he faces are out of character for him.