This is important in my view...know your enemy.
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Who Is this ReBiblican Marketplace?
"A ReBiblican is a politician who is most likely to call themselves a Republican and supports the melding of church & state. They are Christian zealots also known as Christian Dominionists/Christian Nationalists.
They believe that America was founded as a Christian Nation and view the U.S. Constitution as secondary to God's Law according to the Bible.
ReBiblican is not limited exclusively to 21st century republicans, they are found in increasing numbers in all other parties and encouraged to run as stealth candidates as long as they win elected office.
They argue that the 1st Amendment guarantees that government is prevented from influencing religion, but that religion is free to influence government. They pursue a nation based on the morals and family values of a cherry-picked version of biblical law, a Christian theocracy.
With the advent of the T-Party in 2009, ReBiblicans have joined forces with those who cannot reconcile America having its first African-American President in the White House and they have become more brazen, often expressing a disturbing level ofHatriotism.
ReBiblicans consider all those who oppose, disagree or argue with them to be non-Christian and/or not the "right kind" of Christian.
Examples of notable ReBiblicans; Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman (R-Minn), Jim Inhofe (R-Ok), Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC), John Ensign (R-NV), Tom Coburn (R-Ok), Mike Huckabee (R-AR), Rick Santorum (R-PA) just to name a few along with a lengthy list of others - some of whom have resided at the "C Street" house in Washington, D.C. while serving in Congress.
You can check locally here and avoid supporting their 'cause'.