learning a new language


Abreast of the situations
thinking of picking up a second language cause im not learning much right now so have the time.

Is Rosetta stone worth the 700bucks it costs?
Which language you thinking of trying out, Chap?

I recommend German, the language of love, and if the old adage "third time lucky" holds any truth then it may just come in handy.
i don't know yet. Spanish is the obvious answer. Mandarin Chinese or something would prob be way more difficult but have the most future potential.
i don't know yet. Spanish is the obvious answer. Mandarin Chinese or something would prob be way more difficult but have the most future potential.

Chinese is just too damned squiggly for this cove.

Although i suspect at least half of their letters are just made up in order to weed out the dyslexics, who are viewed as far too bourgeois.
i don't know yet. Spanish is the obvious answer. Mandarin Chinese or something would prob be way more difficult but have the most future potential.
Spanish first, then Chinese. It is easier to learn a third language than to learn a second (you get better as you go) and Chinese is very difficult (one of the few Cat 5 languages, English is another). So pick a Latin-based language for your first secondary language, this will make it a bit easier to learn the more difficult ones.
its free if you pirate it.

And yes it's useful, my friend used it when he went to japan and he can speak it at least enough to get by now. I also listened to it in his car one time, the way they teach you is pretty natural, I would get it if I wanted to learn another language.

Concerning learning spanish first, damo I think you are a bit off on this one. Yes learning spanish will greatly help you learn italian (considering like 70% of the two languages are nearly identical in structure and root words), but mandarin is a different beast. Learning a latin based langugae probably wont get you very far for learning mandarin.
»∞«;461589 said:
its free if you pirate it.

And yes it's useful, my friend used it when he went to japan and he can speak it at least enough to get by now. I also listened to it in his car one time, the way they teach you is pretty natural, I would get it if I wanted to learn another language.

Concerning learning spanish first, damo I think you are a bit off on this one. Yes learning spanish will greatly help you learn italian (considering like 70% of the two languages are nearly identical in structure and root words), but mandarin is a different beast. Learning a latin based langugae probably wont get you very far for learning mandarin.
I'm not off. I use the results of studies. After you have learned a second language learning any other language is easier. It sets patterns of learning and increases your ability to learn further languages. The similarity between Spanish and Italian or Portuguese would make it even easier, but it will make Mandarin easier if you learn any other language first.
Chap, PM me, and I'll get this to you, and save you eight-hundred (or sixteen hundred, if you take damo's advice) dollars.

I have several thousand dollars worth of learning company lectures, much more than my networth.
But you really don't have any moral excuses for pirating besides "that shit is overpriced as fuck". Me, I'm not hurting anyone, because I'm a college student who needs it, and I couldn't buy it anyway. Or at least that's my excuse.

I know I'm more evil the Jeffrey Dahmer, please spare me teh lecture.
Chap, PM me, and I'll get this to you, and save you eight-hundred (or sixteen hundred, if you take damo's advice) dollars.

I have several thousand dollars worth of learning company lectures, much more than my networth.
You have Rosetta Stone Software? Expect a PM... Do you have Arabic?