APP - Left wing bathroom policy backfires

I read an ACLU article describing bathroom laws as being strictly discriminatory. I can't believe they can ignore 50,000 years or more of obsession over sex. When Sears Roebuck catalogs were soft porn to Super Bowl wardrobe malfunctions. How can anyone be so myopic as to ignore how ripe this is for abuse.
I wish I could say 'we tried it, against all sense', but its far more likely that the various incidents will be swept under the rug and in 5-10 years time there will be claims that this time it will work.
I wish I could say 'we tried it, against all sense', but its far more likely that the various incidents will be swept under the rug and in 5-10 years time there will be claims that this time it will work.

Unfrtronately the left as with all things conflates the concerns. Nobody is saying that being a tranny necessarily means one is a pedophile or sexual predator. Of course being a tranny is obviously indicative of a psychological disorder, but that is a discussion for another time.

What people are saying is that sexual predators and pedophiles can use this "tolerance" to prey on the innocent. I am not sure why that is so hard for the left wingers to comprehend. Maybe the left wants to make easier for sexual predators?