APP - Left wing hero Michael Avenatti is a fraud and a tax cheat

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

It is funny how the left pretends that they don't even know him any more. It reminds me of that 80s movie Can't Buy Me Love where a young boy bought his way to popularity only to have it all blow up, but it was as much an indictment of those who fell for his scam as his desire to scam.

What is notable about Avenatti's misdeeds is that the IRS found out he was a tax cheat. He didn't have to release his tax returns to the public or to the NY Times. I mention this because many on the left think that getting Trump's tax returns will lead them to their Russian Collusion Delusion nirvana. But, if there was something wrong with his returns, the IRS would have found it by now.

It is funny how the left pretends that they don't even know him any more. It reminds me of that 80s movie Can't Buy Me Love where a young boy bought his way to popularity only to have it all blow up, but it was as much an indictment of those who fell for his scam as his desire to scam.

What is notable about Avenatti's misdeeds is that the IRS found out he was a tax cheat. He didn't have to release his tax returns to the public or to the NY Times. I mention this because many on the left think that getting Trump's tax returns will lead them to their Russian Collusion Delusion nirvana. But, if there was something wrong with his returns, the IRS would have found it by now.

I wiki'd that human scum and it's pretty amazing what potential he had that went totally wrong.

Avenatti attended George Washington University Law School, where he graduated Order of the Coif and first in his class with a J.D. in 2000.[10] While at GW, he worked with Professor Jonathan Turley on constitutional issues relating to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).[10] In 2003, George Washington University Law School established the Michael J. Avenatti Award for Excellence in Pre-Trial and Trial Advocacy, an annual award given to the member of the graduating Juris Doctor class who demonstrates excellence in pre-trial and trial advocacy.

He could've had a respectable career yet now faces yrs. in jail.
I wiki'd that human scum and it's pretty amazing what potential he had that went totally wrong.

He could've had a respectable career yet now faces yrs. in jail.

What's funny is that he stands to serve more time than Manafort. Now how is that for ironic?

And of course unlike Manafort, Avenatti has no chance for a pardon from President Trump
