Lefties, music, and gas stations


New member
When I am at gas stations, I often see lefties vacate their vehicles while their music is still playing. Sometimes they do this while pumping their gas, but I often see them go all the way inside to get their beer or junkfood. Why do lefties leave their music blaring after they vacate their vehicles?
How do you know they are lefties based on their music?

Anyway, my city has a noise ordinance specific to radios. It was used as a pretext to pull enough people to catch enough people on other things, not too many people do it any more. It is a guaranteed way to get pulled over.
When I am at gas stations, I often see lefties vacate their vehicles while their music is still playing. Sometimes they do this while pumping their gas, but I often see them go all the way inside to get their beer or junkfood. Why do lefties leave their music blaring after they vacate their vehicles?

Ask krudzu.

Gasoline is $5,00 a gallon in NYC.

Of course, she has zero credibility. :rofl2:
When I am at gas stations, I often see lefties vacate their vehicles while their music is still playing. Sometimes they do this while pumping their gas, but I often see them go all the way inside to get their beer or junkfood. Why do lefties leave their music blaring after they vacate their vehicles?

Its great to be able to identify someone politically as they exit a vehicle, asshole.
How do you know they are lefties based on their music?

I can tell by the music, but also by how they look. If they look unemployable, they are lefties. If they are chomping gum with the mouth open, it is a lefty. "Bitch this and nigga that" in the music identifies lefties as well. The distortion from cheap stereo components is another dead giveaway that they are lefties. Righties turn the key off and take it with them when they vacate their vehicles.
What retarded trolling. When it comes to trolling, I'd give it a minus grading.
I am more amazed by people who bluetooth through their sound system. Nothing quite like sitting at a light with windows up and being able to hear a telephone conversation cars away. I sometimes wonder if they realize that happens.
When I am at gas stations, I often see lefties vacate their vehicles while their music is still playing. Sometimes they do this while pumping their gas, but I often see them go all the way inside to get their beer or junkfood. Why do lefties leave their music blaring after they vacate their vehicles?

Do you mean other than the obvious, the fact that they are rude, inconsiderate, pieces of shit?
When I am at gas stations, I often see lefties vacate their vehicles while their music is still playing. Sometimes they do this while pumping their gas, but I often see them go all the way inside to get their beer or junkfood. Why do lefties leave their music blaring after they vacate their vehicles?

I do the same thing because I want you to hear my weird music and think "Wow, that's entirely unique music I've never encountered before.... That white trash dude is cool"
This is not deserving of a thread. It is Evmerpo trying to reach the thread number that he has been paid for. What a stupid thread.
Sometimes I think about rolling up the windows and hitting the lock button on one of these unattended cars and then closing the door. Fucking lefties.
Lefties like to plaster the back of their cheap Japanese cars with bumper stickers. I saw one the other day that read "ARMS ARE FOR HUGGING". My response: no they are for shooting back.
When I am at gas stations, I often see lefties vacate their vehicles while their music is still playing. Sometimes they do this while pumping their gas, but I often see them go all the way inside to get their beer or junkfood. Why do lefties leave their music blaring after they vacate their vehicles?

Because they're morons?