Leftism always was a cult


Flying freedom in the sky
Leftism is a degenerative mental disorder and we already have evidence of that. Not only is it a mental disorder, but it is a total cult. It has all the furnishings of a cult

In what way are Democrats even American let alone human? They are brainless sheep at best and do not hold any American values. It should not be surprising how cultish leftists are
since leftists founded the KKK, continue to lead the KKK, and demand everyone bend the knee for their leftist whims
Leftists REALLY love the taste of them boots and have no sense of self respect nor dignity. And they hate freedom and personal responsibility

See leftists admit to being brainless unthinking sheep and believe blind obedience is a virtue while all virtues are somehow vices.
Leftism is a degenerative mental disorder and we already have evidence of that. Not only is it a mental disorder, but it is a total cult. It has all the furnishings of a cult

In what way are Democrats even American let alone human? They are brainless sheep at best and do not hold any American values. It should not be surprising how cultish leftists are
since leftists founded the KKK, continue to lead the KKK, and demand everyone bend the knee for their leftist whims

LOL. This is satire.
Leftists REALLY love the taste of them boots and have no sense of self respect nor dignity. And they hate freedom and personal responsibility

See leftists admit to being brainless unthinking sheep and believe blind obedience is a virtue while all virtues are somehow vices.

Poor dumb cracka


Leftism is a degenerative mental disorder and we already have evidence of that. Not only is it a mental disorder, but it is a total cult. It has all the furnishings of a cult

In what way are Democrats even American let alone human? They are brainless sheep at best and do not hold any American values. It should not be surprising how cultish leftists are
since leftists founded the KKK, continue to lead the KKK, and demand everyone bend the knee for their leftist whims

Following example that the religious set of ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies your belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else. Being religious is a fa kin mental disorder as well.

Lies lead to war and divide. Religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day. The LGBT were the easily baited globalist crash test dummies used to see what they could get away with while forcing lies upon society with bias media backing their rubbish along with threatening officials to use that bias media to slander them into submission. Marriage for example, religious retards evaded sticking with fact and went instead with such rubbish as what they believed so the lgbt did the same to make this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage and since they got away with it, now all globalist sock puppets push the same rhetoric by following religious example of just ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else. It's like they all use each other as excuse to get away with it, pathetic.

That primary fact they evaded on marriage

Nope. It is a term that refers to people who are aware of discrimination and suppression of blacks. It is those who see the unfair treatment that they have had to endure. In short, people who can think and see.

That is the sales pitch.

It is yet another lie.
Following example that the religious set of ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies your belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else. Being religious is a fa kin mental disorder as well.

Lies lead to war and divide. Religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day. The LGBT were the easily baited globalist crash test dummies used to see what they could get away with while forcing lies upon society with bias media backing their rubbish along with threatening officials to use that bias media to slander them into submission. Marriage for example, religious retards evaded sticking with fact and went instead with such rubbish as what they believed so the lgbt did the same to make this soon to be short lived mockery of marriage and since they got away with it, now all globalist sock puppets push the same rhetoric by following religious example of just ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else. It's like they all use each other as excuse to get away with it, pathetic.

That primary fact they evaded on marriage


Poor white trash goyim
Leftism ALWAYS was and still is a cult. See here for evidence 938822G

All you have to do is take pictures and video of leftists own words and throw it back at leftists faces. The left will cry, bitch, whine and try to gaslight and deny - that is how much leftists believe their own disgusting cultish horsecrap
Also like a cult and utter degenerate brainless meat bags, democrats & leftists are super proud of their idiotic psychotic censorship and blind OBEDIENCE to their bureaucrat of the day.
It is like a sick disgusting form of Stockholm syndrome coupled with a highly underdeveloped brain and a vile obsession with Pdo-fil-ia. Leftists are proud of abusing, murdering, assaulting and even stealing from innocent children - all for their whims and virtue signaling.

Leftists literally believe that good is bad; vices are virtue; love is hate; men are women; up is down; and war is peace; and science is blind dogma. And if you so much as QUESTION any of their blind dogma, they screech and call you a 'terrorist' among all sort of insane names