Leftist hypocrites exposed


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California isn't the most progressive state - it's the most racist

Liberals think California is our most progressive state.

And why not? It imposes the highest tax on the richest one percent. It is aggressively implementing Obamacare. It is opposing President Donald Trump on everything.

Yet the Beholden State is number one in poverty and inequality.

How can this be?

Around the world, progressive economies like those of Sweden, France, and Germany, which redistribute wealth through high taxes and generous social welfare policies, boast far less poverty and inequality. How does California maintain its reputation as a progressive leader, given the reality on the ground?

If racism is as scholars like James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michelle Alexander and countless others have described, embedded into socioeconomic structures — then California isn’t just the least progressive state. It’s also the most racist.

Homeless encampments of hundreds of people have cropped up around the state in the last two years. Occasionally, they are ravaged by hepatitis A, which killed 20 people last year. In Silicon Valley, 132 people died on the street in 2016 — up from 85 in 2015. In San Diego, 117 people died, up from 56.

San Diego city workers nearly killed a homeless person after accidentally throwing her and the tent she was sleeping in into the back of garbage truck. She escaped just seconds before being crushed.

Meanwhile, inside comfortable homes in Berkeley and Beverly Hills, affluent progressives condemn the "cruelty of the Trump administration" toward the poor.

Mortgage payments and rents that are 44 percent and 37 percent higher (respectively) than the national average mean that unlike 2012, when 56 percent of Californians could afford a middle-class home in 2012, by the third quarter of 2017, just 28 percent could.

While housing is the main factor behind the high cost of living, California’s regressive taxes contribute significantly to poverty and inequality.

While the state has the highest income tax rate for the top tier earners, California also has the nation’s highest sales tax, which is famously regressive.

Meanwhile, two-thirds of the tax relief from Proposition 13, the 1978 ballot initiative that restricted property taxes, goes to homeowners with incomes above $120,000 annually. How do progressives protect their wealth across generations? By allowing rich, primarily white homeowners to pass along their low property tax rates to their children.

One fact says it all: homeowners have a net worth that is a whopping 36 to 45 times higher than that of renters. From 1930 to 1970, Black families were channeled into renting rooms and denied loans, whereas white families were encouraged to buy homes. After that, it was not primarily discrimination (although this still occurs) that kept African-Americans out of most white suburbs. It is primarily unaffordability.

"Environmentalism" is used to justify de facto racial segregation in California. Environmental lawsuits are a major reason for the higher costs of housing. The core legal structure protects the existing characteristics of neighborhoods and thus perpetuates land use practices founded in race and class discrimination.

White DEMOCRAT Jerry Brown signed housing legislation that will raise $250 million per year to subsidize housing. That’s just enough to subsidize 1,824 units annually at a time when 100,000 to 200,000 new units per year are needed.

California has placed myriad restrictions and fees on building new housing units, driving up their price.

Progressive local governments like San Francisco and Santa Monica block even those housing projects that comply with zoning laws.

The state’s progressive environmental law allows duplicative and anonymous lawsuits to block housing projects.

Why haven’t lawmakers changed those laws?

Because rich, primarily white progressive residents don’t want them to.

Legislation that would have encouraged more housing density near transportation hubs was snuffed out last April, garnering support from less than one-third of legislative committee members.

“Progressive organizing,” lamented Benjamin Ross in the left-wing magazine Dissent, “evolves stealthily into a defense of the residential status quo. It is a status quo that Beverly Hills is happy to preserve.”

Progressive leaders who daily denounce Republicans as "racist" blithely preside over a significant decline in the academic performance of Black and Latino eighth graders relative to their counterparts in other states.

Today, less than 40 percent of non-white and non-Asian students meet state educational standards. When the cost of living is taken into account, California spends less on K-12 education than all but four other states.

Student performance can be improved significantly by rewarding teachers for performance and replacing under-performing teachers. California progressives won’t even allow delaying teacher tenure from two to three years to ensure high-quality teachers in minority classrooms.

By vigorously working to keep their low-wage foreign servant class in California while denying the poor affordable shelter, progressives aren’t being generous, they’re being selfish. California’s lax immigration policies have been good for the rich, white progressive residents. They benefit directly from the downward pressure that low-skill immigrants put on wages for restaurant workers, cleaners, gardeners, and drivers.

The outcome of all of these policies is the most racially unequal society in the whole of the United States. After decades of progressives congratulating themselves on their anti-racism, low-wage workers — who are disproportionately people of color — today suffer the brunt of the state's housing, tax, and regulatory policies.
