Leftist Nazi apologist


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Remember when the left squealed like slit pigs when trump said there were good people on both sides in the Charlottesville dust up. Now we got retarded shit eating leftist Nazi apologist tell us Nazis had some good ideas

"The Nazis were like anybody else.
They had good ideas and bad ideas.
Unfortunately, their bad ideas were more plentiful and spectacularly bad.

But if Covid safety is a NAZI concept, that would have been one of the good ideas."

It's nice to see a leftist being honest for once
Remember when the left squealed like slit pigs when trump said there were good people on both sides in the Charlottesville dust up. Now we got retarded shit eating leftist Nazi apologist tell us Nazis had some good ideas

"The Nazis were like anybody else.
They had good ideas and bad ideas.
Unfortunately, their bad ideas were more plentiful and spectacularly bad.

But if Covid safety is a NAZI concept, that would have been one of the good ideas."

It's nice to see a leftist being honest for once

That's in no way comparable to saying that were any good NAZIs, you illiterate. clown.
I would have loved to see your SAT scores, especially the logic section, although you probably never took them.
Why would you, come to think of it?
Stupid fucking cracker.