APP - Legal questions for Jarod

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

I have legal questions for you

Does a person who accuses someone of a crime have the right to dictate how things are done?

For example, if I accuse you of burglarizing my home, do I have the right to request the FBI investigate? Do I have the right to demand that you testify first and then I can come behind you? Do I have the right to request you be removed from the court room when I testify?

I have legal questions for you

Does a person who accuses someone of a crime have the right to dictate how things are done?

For example, if I accuse you of burglarizing my home, do I have the right to request the FBI investigate? Do I have the right to demand that you testify first and then I can come behind you? Do I have the right to request you be removed from the court room when I testify?

You would have a right to request anything you want, you can even demand anything you want.

Does that answer your questions?
You would have a right to request anything you want, you can even demand anything you want.

Does that answer your questions?

Fair enough. I asked the question wrong.

Let me ask it this way

If you had a client who was accused of rape and the accuser made these demands, would accept them all?
Fair enough. I asked the question wrong.

Let me ask it this way

If you had a client who was accused of rape and the accuser made these demands, would accept them all?

I would be the attorney, it would not be my place to accept them or deny them.
Jarod how would you advise your client relative to Fords demands

I would tell her that if that were what she wanted, it might work because this is Congress and not a criminal court and they are facing political pressure to treat her fairly.
I am not asking you how you would advise Ford. I am asking you how you would advise a client facing Fords demands.

This isn’t complicated. Stop being obtuse

A client can never fact Fords demands. Unless the client is the United States Congress.
I am not asking you how you would advise Ford. I am asking you how you would advise a client facing Fords demands.

This isn’t complicated. Stop being obtuse

This is all about what concessions Grassly must make to get Flake, Mercowski and Collins enough cover to vote for Kavanaugh. Clearly at this point. If Grassley’s goal is to get Kavanaugh confirmed, I’d advise him to give those senators what they need.
This is all about what concessions Grassly must make to get Flake, Mercowski and Collins enough cover to vote for Kavanaugh. Clearly at this point. If Grassley’s goal is to get Kavanaugh confirmed, I’d advise him to give those senators what they need.

You are dodging the question and have inadvertently given up the game.

This isn't and has never been about whether Ford's account is truthful. It is about trying to sway some squish Republicans

Thanks for confirming what I already know. She has ZERO intention of testifying. None. She never did. It has all been a bluff.
You are dodging the question and have inadvertently given up the game.

This isn't and has never been about whether Ford's account is truthful. It is about trying to sway some squish Republicans

Thanks for confirming what I already know. She has ZERO intention of testifying. None. She never did. It has all been a bluff.

I have answered every question!
I have answered every question!

I know you think you have, but you have dodged. I will answer for you. You would never ever let a client go into a situation where they would testify before their accuser testifies. You would never advise it. If you did, it would be considered legal malpractice

Thanks for participating
I know you think you have, but you have dodged. I will answer for you. You would never ever let a client go into a situation where they would testify before their accuser testifies. You would never advise it. If you did, it would be considered legal malpractice

Thanks for participating

If it were the only way to win, like it appears here, I would.
In a standard court case it would not be an issue, in civil cases I often call the defendant to the stand first.