Legion's Believe It Or Not Thread


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A woman who doctors thought had a UTI actually had a glass tumbler stuck in her bladder for four years.

The 45-year-old had come to the hospital complaining of typical lower UTI (urinary tract infection) symptoms, such as leaking.

But doctors were left stunned when scans revealed there was a glass inside her bladder.

It was encased by a bladder stone, which are normally so small they are hard to see with the naked eye.

The woman revealed she had used the drinking glass as a sex toy a number of years before.

Evidently, she had inserted it into the urethra rather than the vagina.

Her case was published in a medical journal, including the astonishing scan and an image of the glass and bladder stone.


With all that's going on in Ukraine at the moment, it's understandable that many people are keen to help however they can.

And one woman recently decided she was going to do just that, ordering an Uber to take her straight from England to Ukraine after having 'one too many' drinks.

Leoni Fildes had been out celebrating a friend's birthday on Saturday when her group started chatting about Ukraine.

Leoni was asked if her boyfriend, who is in the military, might be forced to fight if the UK entered the war and she proclaimed that if he did, she would go with him.

The 34-year-old, who owns a dog grooming business, says she'd had a 'few double gins and shots of Sambuca' at this point, as well as a bottle of prosecco, and drunkenly decided to take action.

She opened up the Uber app to book a taxi.


She was thankfully saved from her drunken impulse due to having 'insufficient funds' in her account - however, Uber still tried to take the payment nine times.

The following morning she had "flashbacks" of her risky mistake after her bank called to warn her about fraudulent activity on her card.

She says she's now glad she didn't have enough money in her account and has questioned what could have happened if she had embarked on the trip.

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