Lemmings & Genocide


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On the plus impeaching President Trump taught Americans they must never again give Democrats a majority in the House of Representatives. Ditto the U.S. Senate. Forever take confirmation out of foreign hands.

Article II, Section 2, Clause 2

He [THE PRESIDENT] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

Take this one to the bank. The Democrat Party’s latest slogan is “IMPEACH NOW AND FOREVER.”

Today’s Democrats have fewer brains than lemmings. Only mass suicide can justify impeaching President Trump.

In addition to a suicidal death wish, setting the precedent for impeaching future presidents is the only known example of humane genocide. Democrats have to know they cannot remove every president their foreigner friends object to when the Senate is not in Democrat hands.

Parenthetically, stealing elections is still possible, but larceny is becoming increasingly difficult to carry off. Abolishing the Electoral Collage without passing a constitutional amendment is a more reliable way for a few Democrat states down by the head with parasites and America-haters to elect Democrat presidents ad infinitum.

In the same vain, Socialists disarming law-abiding Americans is an integral component in their conspiracy to govern with their “democracy.” The conspiracy to impose democracy on a majority of well-armed Americans is running into problems. An overwhelming number Americans not only despise democracy —— they like the government they used to have.

Confiscating every gun was never about protecting Americans from criminals. Disarming Americans has always been about insuring victory for an invading foreign military.

NOTE: Americans would be talking with a cockney accent if Colonial Americans did not have guns. That prompts one question: If those democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong had guns would they use them to fight for democracy against China’s military? Answer: I doubt it. Fighting for limited government is nowhere in sight in Hong Kong. If Hong Kong Wong and his followers looking to the U.S. for freedom understood our War For Independence they would know that Colonial Americans fought for independence. Not a one of the Founders would lift a finger for democracy. Individual freedoms were codified later.

In truth: Nobody in their right mind would fight for democracy then call it fighting for freedom. The best kept secret in Hong Kong is the one that says Chicoms know more about our Founders disdain for democracy than Hong Kong Wong. Note that Chicoms learned how to defeat democracy from one of their own:

My point. England’s military was here without invading. Foreign militaries with big plans understand they are looking at the prospect of invading a country that is armed to the teeth. Knowledge of 3,000,000 guns accompanied by plenty of ammo in the hands of freedom-loving Americans is the best deterrence liberty can have against foreign government adventurism. Put it in perspective.

Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto is credited with saying:

"To invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle."

Yamamoto never said it; nevertheless, Democrat gun-grabbers are wishing for an invading enemy.

There is no doubt that Democrats would welcome a foreign military à la Vidkun Quisling the same way they welcome illegal alien invaders.


Bottom line: Everything the Democrat Party is doing with unconstitutional gun control laws is determined by a single objective. Encourage a foreign military to invade, conquer, and enslave the American people. Two bulwarks stand in their way:

1. The Second Amendment.

2. Losing control of any branch of government.

Happily, Democrats already lost the judicial branch (confirming their judges). Democrats are on their way to losing control over executive branch bureaucrats. Come next November Democrats will lose the entire legislative branch.

December 19, 2019
Pelosi threatens to withhold articles of impeachment from Senate
By Thomas Lifson


. . . setting the precedent for impeaching future presidents is the only known example of humane genocide.

Irrespective of what Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi does with the Articles of Impeachment she is responsible for making Democrats as extinct as:


Hong Kong pro-democracy leader Joshua Wong and two other prominent activists pleaded guilty Monday morning to inciting and organizing “unauthorized assembly” at the height of last year’s demonstrations, a charge that could leave them facing up to five years in prison.

Wong, alongside fellow campaigners Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam, confirmed their guilty plea Monday morning regarding the invasion of headquarters of the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPH) in June last year. The three men were then taken away before their sentencing early next month.

Hong Kong’s Joshua Wong Facing Five Year in Prison for ‘Unauthorized Assembly’
by Ben Kew
23 Nov 2020


China Joe Biden is in a pickle.

NOTE: Americans would be talking with a cockney accent if Colonial Americans did not have guns. That prompts one question: If those democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong had guns would they use them to fight for democracy against China’s military? Answer: I doubt it. Fighting for limited government is nowhere in sight in Hong Kong. If Hong Kong Wong and his followers looking to the U.S. for freedom understood our War For Independence they would know that Colonial Americans fought for independence. Not a one of the Founders would lift a finger for democracy. Individual freedoms were codified later.

In truth: Nobody in their right mind would fight for democracy then call it fighting for freedom. The best kept secret in Hong Kong is the one that says Chicoms know more about our Founders disdain for democracy than Hong Kong Wong. Note that Chicoms learned how to defeat democracy from one of their own:

Does China Joe use his juice in Peking to get Hong Kong Wong off? or does he defend his beloved democracy in Hong Kong, piss off Xi Ping, and let Wong do the time?

See this thread:

JOE BIDEN: There's one thing, there's one thing that remains the same. We have to earn our democracy.

The DNC/Revolution does what the Empire demands while pretending to put up a fight.

The modern Regressive Left has no problem what so ever with lying.