Less than Half of Scientists Endorse Manmade Global Warming, Number is Declining too


"Of 528 total papers on climate change, only 38 (7%) gave an explicit endorsement of the consensus (man as the cause). If one considers "implicit" endorsement (accepting the consensus without explicit statement), the figure rises to 45%. However, while only 32 papers (6%) reject the consensus outright, the largest category (48%) are neutral papers, refusing to either accept or reject the hypothesis. This is no "consensus."

The figures are even more shocking when one remembers the watered-down definition of consensus here. Not only does it not require supporting that man is the "primary" cause of warming, but it doesn't require any belief or support for "catastrophic" global warming. In fact of all papers published in this period (2004 to February 2007), only a single one makes any reference to climate change leading to catastrophic results.

These changing viewpoints represent the advances in climate science over the past decade. While today we are even more certain the earth is warming, we are less certain about the root causes. More importantly, research has shown us that -- whatever the cause may be -- the amount of warming is unlikely to cause any great calamity for mankind or the planet itself.

Schulte's survey contradicts the United Nation IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report (2007), which gave a figure of "90% likely" man was having an impact on world temperatures. But does the IPCC represent a consensus view of world scientists? Despite media claims of "thousands of scientists" involved in the report, the actual text is written by a much smaller number of "lead authors." The introductory "Summary for Policymakers" -- the only portion usually quoted in the media -- is written not by scientists at all, but by politicians, and approved, word-by-word, by political representatives from member nations. By IPCC policy, the individual report chapters -- the only text actually written by scientists -- are edited to "ensure compliance" with the summary, which is typically published months before the actual report itself.

By contrast, the ISI Web of Science database covers 8,700 journals and publications, including every leading scientific journal in the world."


I'm actually shocked myself, I did think more scientists bought the enviroleft's view of catastrophic manmade global warming, I really didn't think it was this low in 2007, especially considering it was higher in 2004.

I really hope some of the lefties on here take these facts honestly and realize that with more current research we are moving away from believing that man is the cause of global warming.
528 papers on climate change, ONLY 1 makes reference to catastrophic results from it.

Just to be clear that is 0.00189393939%, miniscule and way way out of the range of a majority as we are constantly told by lying alarmists like Al Gore.
Kill the moose save the world!

Yeah I saw that, pretty funny, but seriously this article covers thousands more scientists opinions than the few the IPCC, UN and Al Gore reference. I hope that is taken into consideration here, this is a really comprehensive study.
Are you kidding? They are going to come in here and laugh at you for actually reading a report that doesn't coincide with their already cemented position. They'll say that only idiots don't believe it. It's become a religious mantra.

Excuses will mount as to why those other ones didn't mention what they believed to be the truth, they are ALL lackeys of businesses who promote more usage of fossil fuels...
This one has already been widely debunked on the web. The interpretation of "neutral papers" assumes way too much. There are many papers that would have no reason to accept or reject consensus on man-made global warming, so why would they insert a section endorsing either idea?

The author is also a partisan denier...
Actually, when you look at the substance of this article, and the fact that we can't discern either way from half of the PAPERS that were used for this study, your thread title is (as usual) hopelessly dishonest.

It's a total lie....
Yeah I saw that, pretty funny, but seriously this article covers thousands more scientists opinions than the few the IPCC, UN and Al Gore reference. I hope that is taken into consideration here, this is a really comprehensive study.

Umm the NOAA report from a few days ago contradicted you hypothesis.
This one has already been widely debunked on the web.
I suspect your thinking of something else, this was just released yesterday.

The interpretation of "neutral papers" assumes way too much. There are many papers that would have no reason to accept or reject consensus on man-made global warming, so why would they insert a section endorsing either idea?
These were papers specifically on climate change, of course cause (if known) would be at the heart of their discussion and a critical element to be mentioned.
Actually it's the (mis)interpretation of the thousands of IPCC scientists that is the greatest lie in this.
From the article:
"Despite media claims of "thousands of scientists" involved in the report, the actual text is written by a much smaller number of "lead authors." The introductory "Summary for Policymakers" -- the only portion usually quoted in the media -- is written not by scientists at all, but by politicians, and approved, word-by-word, by political representatives from member nations. By IPCC policy, the individual report chapters -- the only text actually written by scientists -- are edited to "ensure compliance" with the summary, which is typically published months before the actual report itself.
By contrast, the ISI Web of Science database covers 8,700 journals and publications, including every leading scientific journal in the world.""

The author is also a partisan denier...
I suspect you are outright lying here, I reviewed Michael Asher's previous articles which include such things as a hole in the universe, the speed of light broken and an article on a nuclear scandal.
He is just a regular contributor to this link which is a daily technical news outlet.

And posting facts of OTHERS opinions does not make a "denier" (with all the awful subtle implications of being like a holocaust denier), it makes a reporter.
You know what it would be like? It would be like taking 100 people at the Pentagon who have to report on various things about the Iraq war: troop movements, supplies, strategy, et al., and taking those "papers," saying that over half have a "neutral opinion" on the Iraq War, and starting a thread saying that "Less than half of Pentagon experts endorse the Iraq War!"

The dishonesty is so thorough on this one. Again, though - this is what you do...
You know what it would be like? It would be like taking 100 people at the Pentagon who have to report on various things about the Iraq war: troop movements, supplies, strategy, et al., and taking those "papers," saying that over half have a "neutral opinion" on the Iraq War, and starting a thread saying that "Less than half of Pentagon experts endorse the Iraq War!"

The dishonesty is so thorough on this one. Again, though - this is what you do...

Again you stupid shit, they are CLIMATE CHANGE papers, not generic science papers. Fuck grow a brain.
Also your (bad) theory even if true doesn't explain the abysmally low amount mentioning catastrophic impact.
Ahh still editing quotes I see Dano. how are we supposed to believe your posts with you doing that.

sure just for you dano.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: