Less than half of US children under 15 are white, census shows

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Huge impact going forward

The accentuated shift toward racial and ethnic diversity among the nation’s child population is not only driven by a growth in nonwhite racial and ethnic groups. It is also facilitated by a decline in young whites. Overall, the nation’s white population has grown tepidly–by 0.1% since 2010. It declined by 247,000 between 2016-2018 according to the new estimates. But the number of white children under age 15 has declined over the 2010-2018 year period by 2.2 million, continuing a trend already observed in the first decade of the century.

This decline in white youth reflects lower white birth rates. But more importantly for the long term, it reflects an aging of the white population that has led to proportionately fewer women in their childbearing years. Census projections show white child losses for decades to come, with more young whites aging past 15 than being born or immigrating to the U.S.

Thus it is the youthful gains of several other racial groups, especially Hispanics, Asians and persons identifying with two or more races that will serve as a counterweight to nationwide losses in young white populations. This was the case for the 2010-2018 period, when the total child population actually declined by 342,000.


The new census estimates, coupled with longer term projections, paint a picture of a country with an aging white population that will exist in tandem with rising racially diverse youth. This is not likely to change given that the white median age (43.6) dwarfs those for Hispanic (29.5) or multiracial (20.7) residents. The new estimates also show that whites accounted for less than half of U.S. births reported since 2010, and that, for the past seven years, the aging white population registered what demographers label a “natural decrease” (an excess of deaths over births). On the other hand, they show that the large, mostly white aged 60 and older population grew by 27% since 2010, as Baby Boomers entered its ranks, compared with the modest growth (1.6%) of persons aged 15-59 and a small decline of the racially diverse child population. As demonstrated above, any future growth of the younger population rests with the demographic contributions of nonwhite racial and ethnic groups.
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One trend that’s become apparent in recent years is a racial identity shift, with more people born to white mothers claiming different race or ethnicity groups than their mom.

“We used to project births — fertility rates — on mother’s race,” You said. “(Rates) do differ by race and ethnicity, but in recent years in literature and in comparison and analysis, we notice more and more newborns in the surveys, they don’t report the same race as their mother.”

The reasons are likely due to an increase in interracial marriages and that there’s been a shift toward accepting minority identities, You said.

“Hispanics will still be the fastest growing group which is the dark blue line and then of course Asian is increasing pretty fast, too,” “That’s where we will see a difference in race composition, in 2050.”

The non-Hispanic white population will drop from 45% of the population to 28%