Less than seventeen days to the elections.


1960s Chick Magnet
There's just over two weeks to go.

The Trumpanzees, despicable vermin and worthless troglodytes that they are, show up to vote.

If we Trump haters don't outnumber them at the polls, big time, the finals nails will be driven into the coffin of our republic.

These people are vile and irredeemable. The core values closest to their demonic hearts are the manifestation of pure evil.
They must be neutralized and buried back under the rocks from which they slithered.
And they must never be allowed to slither out again.

This is no time to screw around.
We get serious now, or we prepare to live in a dystopian apocalypse for the rest of our lives.

We spend too much time obsessing about the orangutan Trump.
He did little to cause this mess other than encourage the Trumpanzees to emerge.
The filth has been here all along, and we've allowed it to surface.

We have to take responsibility for our past failures and get our goddamned asses out to vote.
Any eligible voter who stays home and doesn't vote out the pachys
deserves to be condemned by decent society for the rest of his or her life.

If they don't vote on account of their own human decency,
they must be coerced to vote out of fear of being quarantined from actual people of value.

Trump will turn the United States into North Korea or worse if allowed the power to do so.
And the Trumpanzees, when their mouths are not serving as cock holsters for the orangutan,
just as his serves as one for Putin,
are out in droves screaming to give him that power.
He has already destroyed the American judicial system for generations.
Allowing more power to the orangutan and his Trumpanzees might very well make the destruction of the republic permanent--we're hoping it's not already.

Unless you're ready to drink the hemlock right now, you've got to help America's remaining patriots squash the Trumpanzee Revolution---

right now.
There's just over two weeks to go.

The Trumpanzees, despicable vermin and worthless troglodytes that they are, show up to vote.

If we Trump haters don't outnumber them at the polls, big time, the finals nails will be driven into the coffin of our republic.

These people are vile and irredeemable. The core values closest to their demonic hearts are the manifestation of pure evil.
They must be neutralized and buried back under the rocks from which they slithered.
And they must never be allowed to slither out again.

This is no time to screw around.
We get serious now, or we prepare to live in a dystopian apocalypse for the rest of our lives.

We spend too much time obsessing about the orangutan Trump.
He did little to cause this mess other than encourage the Trumpanzees to emerge.
The filth has been here all along, and we've allowed it to surface.

We have to take responsibility for our past failures and get our goddamned asses out to vote.
Any eligible voter who stays home and doesn't vote out the pachys
deserves to be condemned by decent society for the rest of his or her life.

If they don't vote on account of their own human decency,
they must be coerced to vote out of fear of being quarantined from actual people of value.

Trump will turn the United States into North Korea or worse if allowed the power to do so.
And the Trumpanzees, when their mouths are not serving as cock holsters for the orangutan,
just as his serves as one for Putin,
are out in droves screaming to give him that power.
He has already destroyed the American judicial system for generations.
Allowing more power to the orangutan and his Trumpanzees might very well make the destruction of the republic permanent--we're hoping it's not already.

Unless you're ready to drink the hemlock right now, you've got to help America's remaining patriots squash the Trumpanzee Revolution---

right now.

We don't need to worry about the crooked electoral system with these votes, but we still have gerrymandering, and intimidation tactics. At least we know how whipped the white supremacists are. They aren't likely to stir up much trouble, before they have to turn tail, and scurry away back to their den.
My biggest fear is the people making the false equivalency that Democrats and Republicans are all the same and staying home because of it.

Suppose Democrats accept campaign money and speech money from Goldman Sachs and the like.
If it doesn't affect their votes on the house and senate floors, who gives a shit?
It's easy to say "they're all the same" if you're too fucking lazy to notice that almost all votes are on pure party lines now.
They're not one fucking bit the same.

If the Democrats are too centrist for you, help push them to the left like the teabaggers and Trumpanzees pushed the pachys to the right--from within.
The fucking Trumpanzees and teas baggers didn't stay home.
I wish that they did.
Instead, they fucking voted in droves to destroy the republic.

They've already wiped out our judicial system and are out to finish the job.
Fascism is their wet dream.

Everybody not waiting in line for a suck on the orangutan's dick had better get their asses to the polls and vote.
No screwing around.
If they don't vote, they should all have "Trumpanzee Lite" tattooed on their foreheads.
If the Democrats do not take control of the House of Representatives...

...our Republic is finished.

ASIDE: Donald Trump is the most disgusting, ignorant, classless piece of shit ever to sit in the Oval Office. The people still supporting him in any way...should be ashamed of themselves. They also should refrain from calling themselves Americans.
If the Democrats do not take control of the House of Representatives...

...our Republic is finished.

ASIDE: Donald Trump is the most disgusting, ignorant, classless piece of shit ever to sit in the Oval Office. The people still supporting him in any way...should be ashamed of themselves. They also should refrain from calling themselves Americans.

I agree,be the 4th Reich if Trump isn't stopped
The millennials scare me.
Too many are fucking stupid.
They don't follow the news.
They don't understand politics or the ramifications of politics.
They don't get their stupid faces out of their i-phones.

Their nation is about to fall completely to fascism and not only don't they care..they don't even know.

I see these stupid kids and I want to hit them with a bat.

Even more, though, I want to hit their parents with a bat.

How the hell did these people bring up their kids?

My kids have never missed an election since they were eighteen years old, and they're in their forties, now.
just as their mother and I never missed one since we were twenty-one (which was the voting age in our day).

Frighteningly stupid people are proof that pro-creation shouldn't be a universal right.
Both intelligence and sanity tests should be given to couples before they're given a license to have a child.
Any unauthorized pregnancies should be aborted by statute.

This isn't about sex. Moronic consenting adults can spend their entire day fucking as far as I care.
This is about bringing children into the world.
We have too many incredibly stupid ones here already.
And we could very well lose a nation because of it.

Listen people,
get your ass to the polls,
drag your idiot voting age kids along,
and make SURE that you all vote straight blue tickets.

Or don't do it and learn to goose-step, you fucking idiots.
The millennials scare me.
Too many are fucking stupid.
They don't follow the news.
They don't understand politics or the ramifications of politics.
They don't get their stupid faces out of their i-phones.

Their nation is about to fall completely to fascism and not only don't they care..they don't even know.

I see these stupid kids and I want to hit them with a bat.

Even more, though, I want to hit their parents with a bat.

How the hell did these people bring up their kids?

My kids have never missed an election since they were eighteen years old, and they're in their forties, now.
just as their mother and I never missed one since we were twenty-one (which was the voting age in our day).

Frighteningly stupid people are proof that pro-creation shouldn't be a universal right.
Both intelligence and sanity tests should be given to couples before they're given a license to have a child.
Any unauthorized pregnancies should be aborted by statute.

This isn't about sex. Moronic consenting adults can spend their entire day fucking as far as I care.
This is about bringing children into the world.
We have too many incredibly stupid ones here already.
And we could very well lose a nation because of it.

Listen people,
get your ass to the polls,
drag your idiot voting age kids along,
and make SURE that you all vote straight blue tickets.

Or don't do it and learn to goose-step, you fucking idiots.

Nifty...if the Democrats do not win the House of Representatives...and win it rather handily...this Republic is in the shitter.

If the Democrats do not win the House handily...

...I will be leaving this forum...and ending discussions on the Internet altogether...

...because speaking out against the idiots now in power, under those circumstances, will be like someone in Saudi Arabia speaking out against MBS.

Nifty...if the Democrats do not win the House of Representatives...and win it rather handily...this Republic is in the shitter.

If the Democrats do not win the House handily...

...I will be leaving this forum...and ending discussions on the Internet altogether...

...because speaking out against the idiots now in power, under those circumstances, will be like someone in Saudi Arabia speaking out against MBS.


If Republicans retain complete control of everything. Trumpanzees will be the only people in the nation getting the government that they deserve.
Once they lose everything that they got in FDRs New Deal and begin to die of starvation, disease, and mayhem, they still won't understand that they brought it all on themselves. They lack the intellect to understand it, but their misery will be the most deserved misery in the history if humanity.

I'm good for what's left of my run. They're the ones with the well-earned agony in there future.