Lessons in History: How a China Scholar Misread the Chinese Communist Party Twice


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The Crossroads of 2020

In these stories, Pillsbury emphasized how the CCP had been deceiving the U.S. and the free world. He had been there and he knew it well. Unfortunately, concrete trade actions with China and sanctions did not happen until 2019.

During an interview on May 20, 2019, Trump talked about such mistakes made by previous U.S. Administrations, “They [CCP officials] took advantage of us for many, many years. And I blame us, I don’t blame them. I don’t blame President Xi. I blame all of our presidents, and not just President Obama. You go back a long way. You look at President Clinton, Bush—everybody; they allowed this to happen, they created a monster. We rebuilt China because they get so much money.”

Different from Fairbank who judged the CCP by its cover, Pillsbury analyzed his information and crosschecked with information from witnesses and other sources. Communist society is different, he explained. For example, an American appeals court judge visiting China was asked how the Republican Party was involved in issuing rulings in legal cases—does direction come from the Republican National Committee (RNC) or other channels? When the American judge replied that it was illegal for a political party to bypass legal procedures, all the Chinese judges in the room thought he was lying.

To understand what the CCP really is could be feasible, even for someone who does not read Chinese, joked Pillsbury. As long as you know how the CCP officials think, you can read between the lines of its official propaganda newspaper, China Daily, on how the regime crafts its narratives to achieve its goal.

In an interview on April 1, 2020, he warned that the U.S. is “very vulnerable” to misinformation from China. “Whenever you become a China expert, the first thing you're taught is about Chinese belief in the power of deception, that nobody ever tells the truth,” he explained. “Everything is done for a principle, a larger goal. And that seems to be what’s going on [about the pandemic disinformation].” During an interview the following month, he said that the CCP had three fears: the regime’s collapse, being held responsible by countries globally, and Trump’s reelection.

As the year turns from 2020 to 2021, it is time to reflect on what we have learned so that we can have a clear understanding of the CCP. Examples such as the Soviet Union, China, and Venezuela have shown us the harm of communism and socialism. It is our turn to defend freedom for ourselves and for future generations before it is too late.

American citizens opposed socialism during a rally in Washington D.C. on December 12, 2020.
