let him speak

I heard about this, but by the time this happened, I had walked out of the park and was sitting on the curb. Truly, professional activists become like politicians. They cannot stop yapping. It's horrible. They went on for hours, and I had already been walking around washington since 8 in the morning, I wanted to march.

I ended up chatting with some cops until they shut up.

But, I will say that if I tried to meander over to the counterprotests (those rolling thunder guys), and speak, they would have beat the shit out of me. for sure.
Well now we just cannot tolerate defeatist Anti-American trash now can we ?
Too many of our best have already died in iraq tro protect us from terrorists to just cut and run. We must have victory, not defeat.
Well now we just cannot tolerate defeatist Anti-American trash now can we ?
Too many of our best have already died in iraq tro protect us from terrorists to just cut and run. We must have victory, not defeat.

You should enlist. A lot of our troops are really tired, and their families are breaking up, and they would like to come home. Why not give one of them a break?
You should enlist. A lot of our troops are really tired, and their families are breaking up, and they would like to come home. Why not give one of them a break?

The battle against cut an run libtards is just as important as the battle in Iraq.