APP - Let me clear things up for my friends on the left


So some on the left are laboring under this delusion that people who voted for Trump have somehow been "duped"

I should state for the record that I cannot and will not speak for everyone who voted for Trump, but allow me to speak for myself.

If people recollect during the primary, I was opposed to Trump. I was a Cruz man through and through and for what it is worth, I would still prefer Cruz were in the White House. But, I did not win the day. For a while, I stated that I would not vote for Trump in any way.

But, as time went on I had to make a decision. I could sit out and possibly be responsible for Hillary Clinton being in the White House or I could take a stand. When push came to shove it all became about replacing Scalia on the bench. I said so at the time. Am I a hypocrite? I could see how some can say that. But, ultimately I had a binary choice and while at the time I did not know what kind of justice Trump would appoint, I definitely knew what Hillary would appoint.

Did I know that Trump wasn't an ideological conservative? Yes
Did I know that Trump supported democrats? Yes
Did I know that Trump took views relative to abortion that I oppose? Yes

There is nothing I didn't know about Trump. But, I decided to vote for him anyway.

Am I happy with 100% of his Presidency? No. But, I will say this. For a guy who has lived a life of supporting the democrat party and democrat party causes, in his short time in office he has pushed more conservative agenda items than Bush 43.

Do I agree with Trump on trade? Nope. Do I agree with him on tariffs? Nope. Do I agree with him on everything? Nope.

He gave me the type of justice I wanted, at least on paper. We will have to see how he eventually rules. He has attempted to roll back Obama garbage, but unfortunately the GOP (as I predicted) are trying to help the democrat party.

All of these faux scandals haven't phased me in the least. He has done nothing that I find alarming. His communication could be better and I wish he would ignore the MSM, but all in all, not bad for a guy who has never served a day in government.

Those who accuse me of being duped obviously don't understand what the meaning of the word is as it implies I didn't know who he is prior to voting for him. I did and voted for him anyway.
I wasn't sure how Trump would succeed in his run for the President and choose to wait and see.

While I liked what other candidates were proposing I really warmed up to the idea of participating in getting someone elected, who wasn't part of the "mainstream political agenda".

As his campaign continued and I saw how desperately others were trying to stop him from succeeding; I became convinced that anyone who can cause this many people to panic, couldn't be all that terrible.

After he won the Republican nomination and seeing how the liberals were reacting, plus how every time they said he couldn't do something and he did it, I became more and more sure that he was what the American public needed and that he would win.

Now that's he elected and I'm still witnessing liberal snowflake meltdowns, the fake news, and all of calls of WOLF/WOLF, I'm pleasantly assured that not only is he what the America public needed; but that he will also succeed in Making America Great Again.
