APP - Let me get ahead of the left wing talking points

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Not many on here are talking about the runoff election this coming Tuesday between Strange and Roy Moore. Unfortunately, Trump has been given bum advice to support Strange and is going to Alabama for a rally.

I predict that turnout for the rally will be low, but it will be because there is little enthusiasm for Strange. When this happens, it will be spun as "Trump has even lost Alabama" and "It is over for Trump"

Personally, next to firing Flynn, I think this is the second biggest political mistake Trump has made. There is no upside for him. If Strange wins, he will be more beholden to McConnell than Trump and if Strange loses it will be portrayed by the media as if Trump has lost his entire base.

If Moore wins and I suspect he will based on polling, it will be because there is a repudiation of the swamp and not Trump. But, again that is not how it will be spun by the media masters and the left. Just wanted to mark this for future reference.