Let the Unfettered Free Market Decide - Part Deux


Will work for Scooby snacks
"Weakening Regulators who Protect America from Dangerous Imports"

Those rabid radical socialists* over at Businessweek are at it once again, filling the world with their anticapitalist manifestos. This one is about the Consumer Products Safety Commission, which has been crippled by budget cuts and chronic underfunding:

BUSINESSWEEK: “The Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting buyers from injury and death from some 15,000 kinds of products. Yet while the CPSC has never been more vital, through much of its 33-year history the agency has been chronically understaffed and underfunded. Overseeing 400 recalls a year, most at companies’ requests, the CPSC’s compliance team has less time to initiate its own investigations, which tend to reveal the most serious risks…You would think an agency with such an important role would be a high priority for Washington. Yet its budget is just $62 million, one-seventh the size of the Food & Drug Administration’s funding for food safety alone. The CPSC also operates under rules that prohibit staff from publicizing information about product complaints until the manufacturer O.K.’s the release. Besides handing over a lot of control to companies, this process routinely delays public disclosure of hazards, say critics.”

The magazine notes that while both Democratic and Republican administrations have neglected the commission, the agency has particularly lost power under President Bush. Additionally, Bush has not helped the situation when he “put forward a former lobbyist for the manufacturing industry, the very group CPSC is meant to oversee, as a nominee to chair the agency earlier this year.”

"Weakening Regulators who Protect America from Dangerous Imports"

Those rabid radical socialists* over at Businessweek are at it once again, filling the world with their anticapitalist manifestos. This one is about the Consumer Products Safety Commission, which has been crippled by budget cuts and chronic underfunding:

The magazine notes that while both Democratic and Republican administrations have neglected the commission, the agency has particularly lost power under President Bush. Additionally, Bush has not helped the situation when he “put forward a former lobbyist for the manufacturing industry, the very group CPSC is meant to oversee, as a nominee to chair the agency earlier this year.”


Is there any agency that hasn't gone to hell under the Bush administration?