APP - let them eat cake?

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
this evolved from a few private messages between usfreedom911 and me

USFREEDOM911 said:
DonQuixote said:
USFREEDOM911 said:
DonQuixote said:
this was ascribed to marie antoinette but is a misquote

what she actually said was 'cannot they eat cake'

the cake she was referring to is bread or other baked good that overflowed its pan and landed in another part of the oven - it was generally thrown out as people would not pay for it, however, if someone is starving it is edible and can sustain life, it does not taste very good

bakers threw it out because they did not want people eating it and not paying for it

No matter the underlying mistake, the message comes across; as it has through out it's usage, which therefore makes it common standard.

Are you then prepared for all the rehab programs that will now have to be OFFERED FOR FREE to those that create a problem for themselves.
Let's not forget the loss of jobs, injuried, harm to others, etc.
And yet the quote is still used and ascribed to her.

while this is true, it just shows the lack of education of those that use it

i made the same mistake in a history class and as a result i had to research it as a project assigned by the professor...

you should know that just because a lot of people say something, that it does not make it true

fyi, i think that all recreational drugs should be legalized, taxed and regulated - for adults

then we could take the money used to chase down the crooks and use it for re-hab or funeral expenses...

also, it would still be a crime to injure or kill someone else while under the influence

i think that the overall benefit of legalization and potential reduction of actual abuse of recreational drugs would out weigh the harm produced

however, the greatest potential harm that may obtain is that the government will use drugs subsidies (i.e., make them free) to suppress discontent
I want to see drugs legalized, taxed, and not a single dime spent on treatment. Except minors, who couldn't legally use them anyway and are too young to make a good decision on the matter.
I want to see drugs legalized, taxed, and not a single dime spent on treatment. Except minors, who couldn't legally use them anyway and are too young to make a good decision on the matter.

we already have at least three legal addictive substances on the open market available without a prescription and rehabilitation is needed to kick them for most people

that does not count the addictive prescription drugs on the market that can require rehabilitation

tax, regulate and provide for rehabilitation for those that have a desire to kick the drugs

dui, using machinery and in the work place need to remain illegal

besides, addiction is a medical/social problem
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