Let them eat cake...


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The haves, and the have-mores is my base - George Bush, 2000

Bush boom bah

by Paul Krugman

You know you’re a serious wonk when you wait eagerly each year for the arrival of the CBO’s “Historical Effective Federal Tax Rates.” But it’s much more than a tax report — it’s the single best estimate we have of trends in income and income inequality. The tables (Excel file) are here.

Lots to parse in this report — which only gets us up to 2005 — but here’s one quick calculation. As you may know, for several years the Bush administration and its defenders did a lot of whining about the economy, wondering why they weren’t getting credit for what they insisted was a great economic success.

Well, if you look at the estimates of gains from 2003 to 2005, by position in the income distribution, all becomes clear.

Here’s what the numbers say about percentage gains in after-tax income from 2003 to 2005:

Bottom quintile: 2%
Next quintile: 2.4%
Middle quintile: 3.9%
Fourth quintile: 3.7%
Top quintile: 16%

Top 10%: 20.9%
Top 5%: 27.7%
Top 1%: 43.5%

It was a boom, all right — but only for a few people.

One other thing that’s striking from the report, by the way, is that over the 26 years the estimates span, the only significant gains for the bottom two quintiles, and most of the gains for the middle quintile, took place during the Clinton years.

Exactly why is an interesting question, but the empirical fact is that over the past generation the only good years for lower and middle income families were when a Democrat was in the White House. This is an example of a broader, and honestly mysterious, correlation identified by Larry Bartels in his paper “Partisan politics and the U.S. income distribution.”

So many people continue to vote in direct opposition to their best interests.

I remember Bush on the stump in 2000. He had a gimmick where he would ask the audience "who here pays taxes? Raise your hands...", and then he would follow it with something like, "if your hand is up, you get a tax cut!" He was making fun of the more "targeted cuts" in Gore's plan, which he deemed too complicated.

What the people in the audience didn't realize was that most of them would have gotten a tax cut with Gore, too; the only ones who wouldn't were the very wealthy. But Bush made his plan seem more for "everyday folks" using his simplistic marketing technique...
Love it:clink:
guess what quintile I'm in.

Ok, we all know topspin thinks the rich getting richer is a good thing. And I also think its more jealosy than sound economics that the wanna be limosine liberals in my party cry about it.
Looks like everybody from the middle up did quite nicely. In fact most turbo-libs would rejoice if you had the very same table with a negative sign on the top quintile number.
Most of the advice I've given could have gotten you upper middle class crybabies in that top group over the last couple years. But heck that would have taken a half hour out of your whinning time.:readit:
toppy only wants the upper crust to do well.
or actually just topper is all topper worries about. He and Rob are alike in that respect.
ludicrous USMORON
I've switched to dem because the middle will do better fool.
middle 3% annually is not bad at all.
That said it doesn't take rocket science or Herculean effort to get into the top quintile. Why choose the other 4. There is no system that has everyone doing well, only in socialist preachings.
8 yrs of Clintonomics on re-election steroids will help the average Joe more than Bush did.
ludicrous USMORON
I've switched to dem because the middle will do better fool.
middle 3% annually is not bad at all.
That said it doesn't take rocket science or Herculean effort to get into the top quintile. Why choose the other 4. There is no system that has everyone doing well, only in socialist preachings.
8 yrs of Clintonomics on re-election steroids will help the average Joe more than Bush did.

What a tool.
"8 yrs of Clintonomics on re-election steroids "

Of all the woefully uninformed & completely inane ideas that you write, this has got to be the most ridiculous, and the dumbest.....
and yet another childish post from Lori
How bout attempting to put some economics evaluation in if it's not over your head.
Or maybe you disagree the middle class didn't do better under bill than bush.
and yet another childish post from Lori
How bout attempting to put some economics evaluation in if it's not over your head.
Or maybe you disagree the middle class didn't do better under bill than bush.

Yeah Lori, why don’t you give us some “real economic evaluation”. Perhaps “ROFL the recessionistas are out in full force. they might be right. vut I dout it.”

I know that I was blown away by that kind of talk. I think it’s Nobel Prize level. I wouldn’t be surprised if Queenie here was short-listed.
ludicrous USMORON
I've switched to dem because the middle will do better fool.
middle 3% annually is not bad at all.
That said it doesn't take rocket science or Herculean effort to get into the top quintile. Why choose the other 4. There is no system that has everyone doing well, only in socialist preachings.
8 yrs of Clintonomics on re-election steroids will help the average Joe more than Bush did.

right that 3% will almost keep up with inflation.
and yet another childish post from Lori
How bout attempting to put some economics evaluation in if it's not over your head.
Or maybe you disagree the middle class didn't do better under bill than bush.

You think "8 more years of Clintonomics" is something that can be considered "economic evaluation?"

The only reason it will be called Clintonomics is because her last name is "Clinton." It will bear no resemblence to the admin policies of the '90's. None whatsoever.

You know who Bob Rubin is, I assume?
still nothing but a weak ass attempt at slander.
Actually Hillary's economics are left of Bill's. So what again do you have a problem with in her plan. Or is it strong woman that give you and the rest of your wussy dem crew the hives.
You think "8 more years of Clintonomics" is something that can be considered "economic evaluation?"

The only reason it will be called Clintonomics is because her last name is "Clinton." It will bear no resemblence to the admin policies of the '90's. None whatsoever.

You know who Bob Rubin is, I assume?

Toppy think he’s the inventor of a sandwich.