Let us all share a leisurely moment together: Avengement Scott Adkins

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Let us all share a leisurely moment together: Avengement Scott Adkins

I do not encourage stealing women's purses or violence (I do not encourage anyone to mimic the actions of these characters, but I recognize that there are people who do execute precise actions so beware) , but if a jogger is chasing you and they look like they would struggle to hop a fence, you scale a few fences no? ... and they don't get hit and killed on the road while you stand there like a bumbling idiot as the police tackle you like a cream puff.

This was excellent choreography and a surprise when you see how he escaped although you might think that the movie cheaps out early on. This movie delivers with action.

For such genre, I would say close to the top of the line. The main character played by Scott Adkins carries the movie rather well and as it turns out it includes a captivating story line and perhaps even a classic with a few minor over sites such as mom visiting while the previously set of teeth mysteriously back.

Let's hope this movie detours people from stealing purses thus that they do not turn into such an active and effective killing machine.

Also I think Scott Adkins walked by me on King St Hamilton Ontario Canada yesterday and as usual, celebrities get no special treatment from me ...


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada