APP - Let's ask some rational questions

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
As is always the case, whenever there is a shooting at a school, our liberal friends are quick to yell for more gun control. While many of them won't admit it publicly, what they really want is Australia style confiscation. They are smart enough to know that it would be met with a massive revolt.

So they try to backdoor their way into eliminating guns with things like "mental health". Of course that is a broad term that they refuse to define. Who really wants their 2nd Amendment rights to be dictated by a doctor who is being paid by the federal government?

So here are some questions we should ask ourselves

1) Why is it that these psychos target schools? Schools are not the only soft targets available to psychos. Why has it never happened at a Starbucks? A Panera? Could it be that these psychos know that they will meet very little resistance in the way of other armed people?

2) Why are we not addressing how heavily medicated societies children have become being constantly diagnosed with ADD and put on psychotropic medications

3) Why are not questioning whether the liberal culture of no fault divorce have left kids living in latch key homes with single mothers unable to deal with the pressures of raising boy?
One...I am not a my comments are those of an independent. (I acknowledge that I advocate for a progressive agenda.)

Two...mostly my stance on the "gun control" issue has been more "generally perceived to be conservative" than "generally perceived to be liberal." (i.e.-Guns most assuredly do NOT kill people...people kill people. If guns were not available...other means would be used by people intent on killing others. )

Three...I can think of no "gun control" legislation that would be effective...that could pass thinking of doing it seems to me to be futile.

That having been said, however, frequent and regular shooting at schools seem to be almost UNIQUE to the United States...and I can think of nothing that differentiates us from the other countries around the world...except that we have more guns in the hands of our people than any other country.

So...if you actually want to ask some rational would seem a rational question that should precede the ones you asked are:

Would fewer guns in everyone's hands mean fewer school shootings...or are Americans simply more insane and murderous than other peoples?