Let's be truthful.

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
If it was any other situation, you'd have to say Trump is in the wrong how he deals with Putin. If you were suspected of cheating, would you be going out to dinner with the person you're accused of cheating with? If you were accused of being an embedded informant, would you be meeting with the police? In the court of law, meeting with certain people involved in the case, will get it thrown out, you facing charges, maybe even ratify your guilt to a jury.
I truly believe the only thing that explains Trump's behavior is Putin has the Pee tapes for real. Nuthin else makes sense.
There is NO WAY this is about pee tapes.

Trump is not embarrassed in any way by nonsense like that...and he knows the idiots who still support him would laugh at tapes showing him being fucked in the ass by Putin.

The "thing" Putin has on Trump has to do with money...cash...loans...and the ability to cut off needed financing.

The kind of thing Trump is doing right now would sicken any sane person.
Putin has something on him.
There is NO WAY this is about pee tapes.

Trump is not embarrassed in any way by nonsense like that...and he knows the idiots who still support him would laugh at tapes showing him being fucked in the ass by Putin.

The "thing" Putin has on Trump has to do with money...cash...loans...and the ability to cut off needed financing.

The kind of thing Trump is doing right now would sicken any sane person.
If it was any other situation, you'd have to say Trump is in the wrong how he deals with Putin. If you were suspected of cheating, would you be going out to dinner with the person you're accused of cheating with? If you were accused of being an embedded informant, would you be meeting with the police? In the court of law, meeting with certain people involved in the case, will get it thrown out, you facing charges, maybe even ratify your guilt to a jury.

Normally, you don't meet with a person like Putin in the course of your daily life. If it is your job to engage in diplomacy and international relations, however, you'll meet with Putin, Xi Xinping, and a host of other detestable characters.
Normally, you don't meet with a person like Putin in the course of your daily life. If it is your job to engage in diplomacy and international relations, however, you'll meet with Putin, Xi Xinping, and a host of other detestable characters.

Holy shit, how many times did Churchill and FDR meet with Stalin?
Normally, you don't meet with a person like Putin in the course of your daily life. If it is your job to engage in diplomacy and international relations, however, you'll meet with Putin, Xi Xinping, and a host of other detestable characters.

Not an undisclosed, private meeting, with someone your accused of collusion with. Russia isn't a trusted ally, where Trumps actions would be kosher. Who else has had private meetings with Putin? On top of that, the collusion investigation, and it being a random private meeting of Trumps wanting, that he was advised against having by most. No one should think this is OK. It's as nutty as a private meeting between Bill Clinton, and Monica Lewinsky, back during the trials.
Not an undisclosed, private meeting, with someone your accused of collusion with. Russia isn't a trusted ally, where Trumps actions would be kosher. Who else has had private meetings with Putin? On top of that, the collusion investigation, and it being a random private meeting of Trumps wanting, that he was advised against having by most. No one should think this is OK. It's as nutty as a private meeting between Bill Clinton, and Monica Lewinsky, back during the trials.

The accusers are idiots with zero credibility.
There is NO WAY this is about pee tapes.

Trump is not embarrassed in any way by nonsense like that...and he knows the idiots who still support him would laugh at tapes showing him being fucked in the ass by Putin.

The "thing" Putin has on Trump has to do with money...cash...loans...and the ability to cut off needed financing.

The kind of thing Trump is doing right now would sicken any sane person.

Absolutely. If there were pee tapes, he'd be showing them in the Trump hotels. You know, the heavily-in-debt-to-the-Russian-underworld hotels.
Normally, you don't meet with a person like Putin in the course of your daily life. If it is your job to engage in diplomacy and international relations, however, you'll meet with Putin, Xi Xinping, and a host of other detestable characters.

Privately, despite 1) your staff's advice otherwise, and 2) knowing that the leader you're meeting with has ordered the hacking and attempts to disrupt an election in your country?