APP - Let's be very clear on my expectations of Trump


Former Vice President
Now that many of our left wing friends are coming to grips with the prospect of a Trump Presidency, many have already launched into their predictions of where they think Trump will wander astray on campaign promises. You know because

a) They have never been wrong about Trump before
B) No President in US history has ever broken a campaign promise

But, so we can spare the lefties from incessantly trying point their fingers and say AHA, let me be perfectly clear on my expectations of Trump

First and foremost, I am under no illusion that he is a conservative. Not in the least. I fully expect that he is going to push policies that I will not agree with. I also believe that he will be one of our most situational, non ideological Presidents we have ever seen (but we will see)

Where I am most concerned is with the Supreme Court. If he nominates jurists in the mold of Scalia and can turn it into a 6-3 court of Scalia's then I will consider his Presidency to be a phenomenal success. Presidency's come and go. Congress comes and goes. Anyone thinking that at some point in the next 8 years that the democrat party won't assume some sort of power is deluding themselves.

But, if we can secure the Supreme Court for the next generation we will have neutered the lefts greatest tool for forcing their vile agenda on our country and we can begin the process of rolling it back

So spare yourselves the "OMG Trump is reversing on Obamacare" or whatever it is you think he won't get done. I just don't care. I only care about the Supreme Court. Everything else is just gravy