APP - Let’s break down what really happened

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
First you have Hillary’s illegal server which nobody would have ever known about had not been the Obama administrations incompetence in Benghazi

Remember it was the Benghazi investigation that first uncovered her illegal server.

Once the FBI started investigating, they quickly learned that Hillary sent confidential emails from that server to Obama. From that point forward the fix was in.

Additionally deep state members were probably as assured of Hillary winning as the rest of the establishment and feared a backlash if they went “too far”. Who would want to piss off the new boss,

So I am sure they thought nobody would ever know.

But then the unthinkable happened. Donald Trump won.
Now what? Trump puts his guys in at DOJ and FBI and what if they found out about the whitewash?

They heard Trump say during the campaign that he would launch an investigation. And they got scared

VOILA. Trump has to be silenced. So we get the Russian collusion set up.