APP - Let's eliminate ALL of the Amendments


Finally the left is being honest about its gun grabbing ways. No longer are they hiding behind euphemisms like "common sense gun laws". They want nothing more than full repeal of the 2nd Amendment like all tyrants before them. I don't think it is a coincidence that all tyrannies were preceded by gun confiscation.

But, why stop at the 2nd Amendment. Do we really need any of them anymore?

First Amendment. This is the one that the bad people always bring up when they say something that makes you angry and you want them to shut the hell up. "B-b-but... muh Furst Amendmunt raaaahts!" Sorry, dummies, but hate speech isn't free speech. The days when you could just say whatever you wanted, without the government punishing you, are long gone. It's 2018, you guys. We should know better than this by now. Repeal it!

Third Amendment. This is the one that says you can't be forced to quarter soldiers in your home without your consent. That doesn't mean "quarter" as in "cutting into four pieces," but as in "provide room and board." But it's still dumb, though. What are you so scared of, you crybabies, a few harmless soldiers moving into your house? They're not going to shoot you anyway, unless you're a black or brown person. Plus, do you really think you can stop them from doing whatever they want? The government is way more powerful than you are, so you might as well get used to it. (This is also a good argument against the Second Amendment. And all the rest of them, really.) Repeal it!

Fourth Amendment. This is the one supposedly protecting you from "unreasonable search and seizure." In other words, the government can't just bust into your house and take whatever they want. Um, excuse me, but if you haven't done anything wrong, then what are you so worried about? Repeal it!

Fifth Amendment. This is another one the bad people always hide behind. "I plead the Fifth Amendment! You can't make me testify against myself in a court of law!" Once again, if you haven't done anything wrong, what are you so worried about? The cops and courts are only acting in your best interests as an American. That is, when they're not killing and incarcerating black people for no reason. This amendment serves no purpose. Repeal it!

Amendments 6-27. These are the boring amendments nobody cares about anymore, except the one prohibiting alcohol and the one repealing the prohibition of alcohol. Those two cancel each other out anyway, so there's no point in even talking about them. The rest of them are just useless, confusing gibberish. If the Constitution is so great, why did they need to make so many changes to it? Repeal 'em all!