APP - Let's lift the fog for a second


So the left wants us to believe that at some point, Vladimir Putin decided he wanted Donald Trump as President and "hacked our election" to do so. Additionally, the left is making the broad claim that somehow Donald Trump "colluded" with Vladimir Putin to beat Hillary Clinton.

I am going to work through this logically because, well, we can't count on our friends on the left to look at things logically. But, first we must establish a few timelines.

1) John Podesta's emails were stolen through a phishing scam on March 19, 2016
2) The DNC was hacked twice it was announced June 2016. One hack had been inside their servers for over a year and only looked at their email traffic. The other hack was a few months before and just took oppo research on Donald Trump.
3) The FBI NEVA,EVA,EVA,EVA looked at the DNC servers - odd dontcha think?

So here are some logical questions that I think should be answered by our friends on the left since they are SO convinced that Putin wanted Trump

1) When did Putin decide that he wanted Trump as a candidate?
2) Why did Putin think that Trump would be better for Russian fortunes than Hillary? Here is what Russia accomplished while Hillary/Obama ran the show–United_States_relations
3) How did Putin go about helping Trump navigate the Republican nomination?
4) Of all the ways that ex KGB Vladimir Putin could have dreamed up to help elect Donald Trump, they couldn't do any better than hacking the DNC server for opposition research on Donald Trump?

None of this adds up
No it doesn't but I very much doubt that anybody in the Democratic Party really cares, they are just looking for a scapegoat to ease their suffering.

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