APP - Let's look at democrat party scandals being ignored by the media


1) Uranium One deal - Bill Clinton gets $500,000 for a speech, Clinton Foundation gets hundreds of millions of dollars from the same group seen to benefit from the actions of Hillary Clinton. Oh and they hid the payments

2) Clinton/DNC paid for Russian Dossier that was the impetus for Comey investigation into Trump even though dossier was disproven and shown to be baseless. It will be shown that it was nothing more than a means to get a FISA warrant on Trump

3) Imran/Wasserman IT scandal. Here non IT people get millions of taxpayer dollars and funnel sensitive national security data to rogue regimes

4) Senator Robert Menendez, on trial for a massive kickback scheme bilking Medicare out of millions

And what do our friends on the left want to talk about? Some Gold Star Wife they will forget about in 48 hours.