its no longer just a few actors and radicals or fringe groups its main stream democrat leaders who are nuttier squirrel then poop.
I limited my links to many to post but I did post a few , enough to show its not just a few dead for the neck up ego manic actors or fringe groups but main stream politicians
Michigan Democrat urges ‘soldiers’ to punish Trump supporters, ‘make them pay’
Leftists Suggest “Re-education Camps,” “Firing Squads,” Banning Talk Radio to “Deprogram” 75 Million Trump Supporters
Democrats Propose Sending Republicans To ‘Unity Camps’
House Democrat Calls To Exclude 126 Republicans From Next Congress For Supporting Texas Lawsuit
Kimmel Screams ‘Lock Up Entire Trump Family
Viral Video Shows Leading Democrats Promoting ‘Uprisings,’ ‘Unrest,’ Harassment
10 Times Democrats Urged Violence Against Trump And His Supporters
and there are more lets not forget celebrity's who talked about assassinating a president , locking his kids up with sex offenders hanging him yes the morals and ethics of democrappers on display for all to see and democrats cheering them on .
I limited my links to many to post but I did post a few , enough to show its not just a few dead for the neck up ego manic actors or fringe groups but main stream politicians
Michigan Democrat urges ‘soldiers’ to punish Trump supporters, ‘make them pay’
Leftists Suggest “Re-education Camps,” “Firing Squads,” Banning Talk Radio to “Deprogram” 75 Million Trump Supporters
Democrats Propose Sending Republicans To ‘Unity Camps’
House Democrat Calls To Exclude 126 Republicans From Next Congress For Supporting Texas Lawsuit
Kimmel Screams ‘Lock Up Entire Trump Family
Viral Video Shows Leading Democrats Promoting ‘Uprisings,’ ‘Unrest,’ Harassment
10 Times Democrats Urged Violence Against Trump And His Supporters
and there are more lets not forget celebrity's who talked about assassinating a president , locking his kids up with sex offenders hanging him yes the morals and ethics of democrappers on display for all to see and democrats cheering them on .