APP - Let's look at what President Trump has reduced the democrat party to

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I has been a constant source of amusement watching how progressively unhinged the left has become since President Trump's victory in 2016. They literally hold positions now that the once found abhorrent

1) They think Russia is a global threat. When in 2012 when the Mittster called them a threat during a debate B. Hussein famously said "The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back". To which leftists howled derisively. Today there is a russian in every corner of your living room and computer

2) They oppose tax increases on the rich. That is what they are doing when they oppose SALT tax repeal. It only benefits the really wealthy who own expensive homes. We have seen left wing states like NY, CT and MD file lawsuits howling about a tax increase on the rich.

3) They oppose infrastructure spending. They won't do it because they don't want President Trump to get the credit

4) This is the best. They want to keep fighting wars for oil. They screamed for military intervention when it appeared Iran bombed Saudi Arabia. Trump did nothing. And the world is not on fire. They want to leave troops in the Middle East indefinitely because Trump wants to draw them down from Syria. Remember when they wanted to yank them out of Iraq? Remember "NO WARS FOR OIL"?

It has been stunning to watch the descent into madness the left has taken. But, I have enjoyed every single second of it. One part of it is scary though. If and when they ever regain power they are going to wreak havoc
I has been a constant source of amusement watching how progressively unhinged the left has become since President Trump's victory in 2016. They literally hold positions now that the once found abhorrent

1) They think Russia is a global threat. When in 2012 when the Mittster called them a threat during a debate B. Hussein famously said "The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back". To which leftists howled derisively. Today there is a russian in every corner of your living room and computer

2) They oppose tax increases on the rich. That is what they are doing when they oppose SALT tax repeal. It only benefits the really wealthy who own expensive homes. We have seen left wing states like NY, CT and MD file lawsuits howling about a tax increase on the rich.

3) They oppose infrastructure spending. They won't do it because they don't want President Trump to get the credit

4) This is the best. They want to keep fighting wars for oil. They screamed for military intervention when it appeared Iran bombed Saudi Arabia. Trump did nothing. And the world is not on fire. They want to leave troops in the Middle East indefinitely because Trump wants to draw them down from Syria. Remember when they wanted to yank them out of Iraq? Remember "NO WARS FOR OIL"?

It has been stunning to watch the descent into madness the left has taken. But, I have enjoyed every single second of it. One part of it is scary though. If and when they ever regain power they are going to wreak havoc

this illustrates a broader point, in that liberals don't actually have any real convictions or principles. They only want power. The beliefs I have right now, will more or less be the same beliefs I will have in 5 years. I am not talking about gradually changing your mind on some random policy position, as anyone can evolve on one or two issues, but that happens within ones already existing worldview. I believe in small government. I believe in gun rights. I believe in originalism with regards to judicial interpretation. I am not going to change my mind on these things.

Liberals on the other hand get their marching orders every 6 months or so to update their programming. There are now 20 genders? Ok. Russians are now bad? Ok. Syria now bad? Ok. Take a look at these two articles, a mere 6 months apart:


The very core essence of "progressiveness"/liberalism is constant change and realignment of ones worldview. That's what progresivism is by design. If you don't constantly change your mind and keep your beliefs fluid, then you would be preserving existing structures, i.e. - being a conservative. Therefore, it is literally impossible, by sheer definition, for liberals to have any core beliefs.