APP - Let's rationally discuss criticism of Donald Trump


It is clear that the deep state, the democrat party and factions of the GOP are aligned to take down President Trump.

That being said, I think there are legitimate criticisms that can be made four months in.

My main criticism is that he worries too much about what is said on PMSNBC. He does't need to respond to every single criticism that is leveled at him by Joey Scarborough. He lets them bait him into miscommunications.

I also criticize him for not holding republicans feet to the fire and underestimating the opposition he would receive from those who he thought would be aligned with him. He also needs to get his White House under control.

The Tweeting doesn't bother me

I have no problem with the firing of Comey. I think the communication of it was handled poorly and it does matter.
I predicted last year that he would flounder for the first six months. He is totally unused to the swamp dwellers in Washington but I believe he is learning fast.

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I agree that there are things that could have gone differently; but I think he's adjusting and it scares the left.

The idea of eliminating press conferences and just releasing information in written form, might just be an means to ending some of the FAKE NEWS / WOLF - WOLF.
I think his criticism of the media is done to let the opposition never get a foot in the door. I don't think he's offended as much as it's a calculated tactic to have his supporters distrust mainstream sources (which they should) and get their news directly from him on twitter and more friendly publications.

I think he is too soft with the RINOS and doesn't realize how deep the deep state goes (or maybe he does)
It is clear that the deep state, the democrat party and factions of the GOP are aligned to take down President Trump.

That being said, I think there are legitimate criticisms that can be made four months in.

My main criticism is that he worries too much about what is said on PMSNBC. He does't need to respond to every single criticism that is leveled at him by Joey Scarborough. He lets them bait him into miscommunications.

I also criticize him for not holding republicans feet to the fire and underestimating the opposition he would receive from those who he thought would be aligned with him. He also needs to get his White House under control.

The Tweeting doesn't bother me

I have no problem with the firing of Comey. I think the communication of it was handled poorly and it does matter.
Agreed. I think he needs to ignore the critics and stay on task.

His tweeting does bother me. I don't think the President of the United States should be engaging in that sort of thing. Tweeting is for spur of the moment thoughts, and the President can ill afford to post whatever pops in his head.
It is hard for anyone to ignore the hysterics coming from the FAKE media. I don't blame Trump for responding to those false charges and claims and if he didn't, they would all claim it proves their emotional hysterics are true.

Today the narrative is that Trump obstructed justice based on a memo NO one has seen and the FAKE medias hysteria of trying to find anything that will give them the ammunition to demand impeachment.

The FAKE media and poor losers from the Party of the Jackass proved they are unwilling to accept the election results and, as they did during the last failed 8 years of Obamunism, will do anything they can to change the outcome.

You see, even though Liberals are repugnant and despicable and will do anything to drag this great nation to its knees, they know that if they hurl enough mud and engage in the politics of personal destruction with the help of the FAKE media, they can bring a Presidency they did with Nixon who was stupid enough to fall into the trap.

My prediction; this will cement support from those who voted for the man and possibly for many others that see right through these despicable tactics and see it for what it is, an attempt to defame the office and drag America though the mud with their insane claims and demands.
It is hard for anyone to ignore the hysterics coming from the FAKE media. I don't blame Trump for responding to those false charges and claims and if he didn't, they would all claim it proves their emotional hysterics are true.

Today the narrative is that Trump obstructed justice based on a memo NO one has seen and the FAKE medias hysteria of trying to find anything that will give them the ammunition to demand impeachment.

The FAKE media and poor losers from the Party of the Jackass proved they are unwilling to accept the election results and, as they did during the last failed 8 years of Obamunism, will do anything they can to change the outcome.

You see, even though Liberals are repugnant and despicable and will do anything to drag this great nation to its knees, they know that if they hurl enough mud and engage in the politics of personal destruction with the help of the FAKE media, they can bring a Presidency they did with Nixon who was stupid enough to fall into the trap.

My prediction; this will cement support from those who voted for the man and possibly for many others that see right through these despicable tactics and see it for what it is, an attempt to defame the office and drag America though the mud with their insane claims and demands.

YEP, it's like:
FAKE NEWS / WOLF-WOLF (Trump responds and the left go ballistic saying he's trying to hide his behavior)
FAKE NEWS / WOLF-WOLF (Trump says nothing and the left go ballistic saying he's afraid to respond)

Trump acts like a petulant child whenever he's criticized. He's got an abhorrent personality that won't serve him well if he wants to get reelected, and I wouldn't be surprised if a repub challenges him in the primary next go round, but it's way too soon to even speculated or even talk about that.
That being said, I'll take him over hrc any day. He's my hero for keeping the Clintons out of the WH. I just wish he had even a little class.