Well-known member
Some Jehova's Witnesses are so tired of being beaten up over their beliefs that they are resigned to immediately responding to even innocuous questions about their faith with "Look, I don't want to argue with you." Scientologists and Global Warming cultists even moreso, and just EVADE discussing their rather extreme beliefs (to put it mildly) in public because the sheer zaniness of their beliefs leads to awkward conversations each and every time.
Global Warming and Climate Change might be the only religious denominations in which the congregation is actually ashamed, not proud, to hold that particular faith. For any other religion, the congregation takes great pride in their faith and will profess it to all who are within earshot, but not warmizombies and climate lemmings who can muster nothing more than dodging and evasion.
But all that might have ended with the 2024 election of Donald Trump. Maybe warmizombies and climate lemmings have found pride in Global Climate Warming Change that they didn't know they had. So let's ask anew:
What rational basis does any rational adult have for believing in Global Warming and/or Climate Change?
Hint: pointing to other people who share the same religious faith is not a rational basis
Hint: claiming the existence of certain supporting science obligates the presentation of that science
Are there any Global Warming or Climate Change believers who are proud of their faith and who would care to share why rational adults should believe as they do?
Global Warming and Climate Change might be the only religious denominations in which the congregation is actually ashamed, not proud, to hold that particular faith. For any other religion, the congregation takes great pride in their faith and will profess it to all who are within earshot, but not warmizombies and climate lemmings who can muster nothing more than dodging and evasion.
But all that might have ended with the 2024 election of Donald Trump. Maybe warmizombies and climate lemmings have found pride in Global Climate Warming Change that they didn't know they had. So let's ask anew:
What rational basis does any rational adult have for believing in Global Warming and/or Climate Change?
Hint: pointing to other people who share the same religious faith is not a rational basis
Hint: claiming the existence of certain supporting science obligates the presentation of that science
Are there any Global Warming or Climate Change believers who are proud of their faith and who would care to share why rational adults should believe as they do?