Letter to Charles Krauthammer

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Disengenious Charles...Didn't include Gibson's clarification that it was the 2002 Bush Doctrine, which is not much different than the 2006 Doctrine which is further clarified in wiki under National Security, one o those little blue lines you can click on for further information.

I bet if Gibson had asked McCain or Obama they would have answered Gibson's question the first time, but that is just an opinion.

Sarah was trying to look snappy, and she got you!

She is in over her head. She should grow up a little more in Alaska and then head to bigger waters, it is the way of the salmon!

What do you think, will he like it???
Poorly written.


I bet if Gibson had asked McCain or Obama they would have answered Gibson's question the first time, but that is just an opinion.

You really think so?

When Gibson said "Bush Doctrine," I assumed he was referring to the spreading of democracy throughout the world in order to advance freedom and stability. Millions of people probably thought something different.

The point being, there is no defined "Bush doctrine."

Palin's confusion was understandable.