lib lawyer to terrorist


Junior Member
Such a small step. Lynne Stewart, a home grown terrorist gets a slap on the wrist for treason and support of terrorist activities. Go figure, a Clinton judge made the sentence of 26 months instead of 30 years.
Such a small step. Lynne Stewart, a home grown terrorist gets a slap on the wrist for treason and support of terrorist activities. Go figure, a Clinton judge made the sentence of 26 months instead of 30 years.

Do you have any evidence to support your claim that she committed treason??? Or is this just one of your many and varied unsupported lies which you post with such regularity that it is almost a full time posting job keeping up with them all???
umm Prak, if you haven't noticed, toby can't keep up with all his lies and spin. But then he does not have to, he just parrots what Rush and those spinheads say ;)
umm Prak, if you haven't noticed, toby can't keep up with all his lies and spin. But then he does not have to, he just parrots what Rush and those spinheads say ;)

How is his statement a lie? She was aiding a terrorist and sentenced to 26 months that she should have got 30 years for. It was reported on the news. Her response to the sentence was " I can do that standing on my head".
How is his statement a lie? She was aiding a terrorist and sentenced to 26 months that she should have got 30 years for. It was reported on the news. Her response to the sentence was " I can do that standing on my head".

she said that? she just went through chemo therapy for her recently diagnosed breast cancer, and she really said she could do this ''sentence'' in a head stand?

link please....

her punishment IS JUST for what she did and her intent behind it.....

30 years would be UNJUST..... from what i have read about the case?

No link, at least I haven't found one yet. It was reported on a news radio spot I heard while driving. On top of it she's out on bail while the appeal goes through.Only the rich or well connected can do that.
she said that? she just went through chemo therapy for her recently diagnosed breast cancer, and she really said she could do this ''sentence'' in a head stand?

link please....

her punishment IS JUST for what she did and her intent behind it.....

30 years would be UNJUST..... from what i have read about the case?


She said it in an interview with Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman. It's somewhat out of context though. She was answering a question about how she felt going in. Don't forget she could have been sentenced to decades. And she quoted someone else, she said "like so and so said, I can do that standing on my head". It was bravado, some cold comfort, a brave face.

She did say that due to her health, a prison sentence would be a life sentence as well.
No link, at least I haven't found one yet. It was reported on a news radio spot I heard while driving. On top of it she's out on bail while the appeal goes through.Only the rich or well connected can do that.

Yeah, like Ken Lay. Were you crying about that? Perhaps you can direct me to your post expressing your outrage in that case.

And no kidding Gaffer...the rich get a better 'justice system" than the poor do in this country? Is this another one of your breaking news bulletins? Next you will be telling us that if you're black you're more likely to face the death penality.

I sure hope everyone is sitting down when you post that bulletin.
How is his statement a lie? She was aiding a terrorist and sentenced to 26 months that she should have got 30 years for. It was reported on the news. Her response to the sentence was " I can do that standing on my head".

I don't know if she was "aiding a terrorist". She passed on a message that said, "maybe we should rethink the cease-fire".

I wouldn't have done it, but since his message pertained to activities taking place in Egypt, I'm not sure "treason" is the word. Naive and stupid would be better ones.

30 years? For an old lady with cancer who passed on a message? Maybe we should have waterboarded her.

I think you people need to get a grip.