Liberal conservatism


As per

Liberal conservatism is a variant of conservatism that combines the classical conservative concern for established tradition, respect for authority and, sometimes, religious values with liberal ideas, especially on economic issues (see economic liberalism, which advocates free market capitalism).

Liberal conservatism usually takes hold among conservatives in countries where liberal economic ideas are considered traditional, and therefore conservative.

In countries with large liberal conservative movements that have entered the political mainstream, the terms "liberal" and "conservative" may become synonymous (as in Australia), or they may be redefined such that liberal conservatives keep one of them and the other is taken up by a different group (as in the United States, where liberal conservatives use the term "conservative," and "liberal" is generally used to refer to American liberalism, a social liberal movement).

The liberal conservative tradition in the United States combines the economic individualism of the classical liberals with a Burkean form of conservatism (which has also become part of the American conservative tradition, for example in the writings of Russell Kirk).

Liberal conservative political parties exist in a number of countries, and they are usually most entrenched in Anglo-Saxon cultures.
In a strange way .. isnt this taking place here in America ... in both major parties from two different directions?

NeoCons have broken a way from paleoconservatism adopting many of the big Government intrusions that have rankled traditional conservatives of the past ..

While Liberals have become more of the traditionalist ... protesting the policies of the big brother intrusions of the NeoCons ..

Thus ...the liberals are becoming the Traditional Conservatives protecting established wing policy and the NeoCons are pushing for change of direction .... adopting broader Government policies ....

So from the Democrats we have Consevative Liberals .....

From the NeoCon republicans we have Liberal Conservatives.....

As John Lennon once said ... "Strange Days indeed"
No I don't see that.

But you are also compairing a dictionary defination of a political word with the common useage of the word by a political party and they are not the same.
As John Lennon once said

I am the walrus,
I am the walurs,
ca cu ca cooo

I am you and you are me
and we are all together, now
No I don't see that.

But you are also compairing a dictionary defination of a political word with the common useage of the word by a political party and they are not the same.

So where are we to get our definitions from Toby .... George Bush or A Dictionary?
So as long as GW tells you one thing.. you blindly follow that path? :pke:
There are general useage of words and very specific dictionary defination of what word means, they are not the same thing. That is why you argue on the fact the the US is not a democracy, your ignore the general usesage of the word and try to make it specific.
Liberalism used to be different from what it is today. I wouldn't say classical liberalism and libertarianism are synomous, but they are in the same basic political sphere. Modern American conservatism is a result of a mix of the old liberal elements that died off whenever social liberalism took hold and the old conservatives (like the federalists). Social liberalism practically took over the liberal movement.

So it was a pretty odd mix.

Many people don't believe me, but in many places in the world liberalism and conservatism are considered synonomous. There are, of course, the hyper-nationalists and such who diametrically oppose them and are considered conservative also, however. Liberalism doesn't mean the left, and conservatism isn't considered the right.... they are philosophies, not the attitude of whether or not someone currently wants change. This meaning has albeit dissapeared in America, however, and I see little use in beating a dead horse.
classical conservative concern for established tradition, respect for authority and, sometimes, religious values

This is the type of conservatism that really gets me, tradition, authotity and religous values should always be challanged and questioned.
classical conservative concern for established tradition, respect for authority and, sometimes, religious values

This is the type of conservatism that really gets me, tradition, authotity and religous values should always be challanged and questioned.

Well then you should be questioning your own liberal ideologies and authorities..which have become entrenched in tradition.
Liberals embrace change when they deem it for the better.

Conservatives automatically assume change will not be for the better and resist any change.
Well ... Conservatives advocate changing the Education System, School Vouchers .... more privatization .., where liberals resist the change and favor an increase in funding to the existing institution.., in this instance who is progressive and who is traditional?
Health Care; many Conservatives favor Tax Deductable Health Care Savings Accounts ..which is a newer concept, while Liberals favor a Nationalized Health Care Plan controlled by the Fedeeral Government, a concept that has been pushed since the Harry Truman Days. On this issue who is the prgressive and who is the traditionalist?
Social Security; an Institution that has been around since FDR ... Liberals do not want to touch it...period. Conservatives favor a gradual privitizatio... where in the future people will have more control over their investment. Liberals see SS as a program... Government Give Away, Conservatives see it as an investment for the future. Who is the Progressive and who is the traditionalist?
Liberalism is a philsophy that liberty and the free markets should reign, and people should have free will (although some people who define themselves as liberal are really socialists, most liberals fall into this, albeit many loosely). Leftism is the philosophy that we need change.

The two are not the same.
Liberalism is a philsophy that liberty and the free markets should reign,

This is economic liberalism. It is possible to be a social liberal, ie be socially liberal yet economically socialist.

And also, liberalism isn't a philosophy at all. Ideas, notions, concepts aren't philosophy. Philosophy is the methodology by which we analyse and comprehend arguments. Liberalism is a political concept, or movement.
Leftism is the philosophy that we need change.


It is funny when capitalists ignore the myriad of problems with their own ideology.

Liberalism as a movement has its roots in the application of reason, something not attributable to modern capitalist absolutists.
Leftism is the philosophy that we need change.


It is funny when capitalists ignore the myriad of problems with their own ideology.

Liberalism as a movement has its roots in the application of reason, something not attributable to modern capitalist absolutists.

That's retarded.

It's amazing how socialists believe a system that has failed in every single country that has ever tried the system can still work. It is impossible for one to be a liberal and a socialist at the same time. It's like oil and water. If you don't believe in freedom, then how can you be a liberal?