Liberal 'educators' in their own words

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Here are five things that liberal professors actually said in 2017:

1) A University of Tampa professor was so upset about the outcome of the 2016 presidential election that he publicly suggested that Texans deserved Hurricane Harvey because the state voted Republican last year.

“I don’t believe in instant Karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas,” Professor Ken Storey tweeted in August. “Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesn’t care about them.”

Shortly after the controversial remarks, the university announced that it had fired the professor.

2) An Art Institute of Washington professor was so furious about the House GOP’s effort to repeal and replace Obamacare that he said GOP lawmakers “should be lined up and shot” for their actions.

“They should be lined up and shot,” Professor John Griffin wrote on his Facebook page. “That’s not hyperbole; blood is on their hands.”

3) In June, Trinity College professor Johnny Eric Williams made national headlines after appearing to suggest that the first responders should have let the victims of the congressional shooting "fucking die” because they are white.

“It is past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘white’ will not do, put end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of whiteness and their white supremacy system. #LetThemFuckingDie,” Williams wrote in a Facebook post, including the hashtag as an apparent reference to an op-ed with the same title that he had shared two days earlier.

Following his controversial remarks, Williams was placed on leave but is slated to return to teaching in 2018.

4) A University of Delaware professor claimed that Otto Warmbier, a young American who died after being held in a North Korean prison camp, “got exactly what he deserved.”

Professor Katherine Dettwyler made her remarks on her personal Facebook page and in the comments section of an article published by National Review.

Dettwyler maintained that Warmbier behaved like a “spoiled, naive, arrogant U.S. college student who never had to face the consequences of his actions” when he visited North Korea, and that he had a “typical mindset of a lot of the young, white, rich, clueless males” she teaches.

5) George Ciccariello-Maher, an assistant professor at Drexel University who made headlines by calling for “white genocide” last year, was at it again in 2017.

In early November, the academic pinned the blame for the Texas massacre that killed 26 people on what he called “whiteness” and “entitlement.”

“Whiteness is never seen as a cause, in and of itself, of these kinds of massacres, of other forms of violence,” Ciccariello-Maher said in an interview with Democracy Now!, asserting that “whiteness is a structure of privilege and it’s a structure of power, and a structure that, when it feels threatened, you know, lashes out.”

A far-left Drexel University professor -- known for making inflammatory remarks on social media -- is resigning from his teaching job, blaming a right-wing “internet mob” for alleged “harassment.”

George Ciccariello-Maher, an associate professor of politics and global studies at the Philadelphia school, will be leaving next year, he said in a statement Thursday.

He blamed “right-wing, white supremacist media outlets and internet mobs” that allegedly harassed him for nearly a year.

“Staying at Drexel in the eye of this storm has become detrimental to my own writing, speaking and organizing,” he wrote.

The professor had drawn attention for a series of inflammatory remarks.

Most recently, he was placed on administrative leave after he blamed the Oct. 1 Las Vegas massacre of 58 people on the “narrative of white victimization” and “Trumpism.”

In another instance, Ciccariello-Maher said he wanted to “vomit or yell” after seeing an airline passenger giving up a first-class seat to a U.S. military service member.

On Christmas Eve, he said that all he wanted for the "holidays" was a “white genocide.”

The constant controversy created a backlash for the university, prompting an inquiry into the professor's behavior after donors started reconsidering their partnership with the institution.

The university’s provost wrote to Ciccariello-Maher that "at least two potential significant donors to the university have withheld previously promised donations” while a number of prospective students reversed their decisions to attend Drexel.

In the resignation announcement, Ciccariello-Maher said that “we are at war” and accused conservatives of “targeting campuses with thinly veiled provocations disguised as free speech.”

He added: “In the face of aggression from the racist Right and impending global catastrophe, we must defend our universities, our students, and ourselves by defending the most vulnerable among us and by making our campuses unsafe spaces for white supremacists.”

Drexel defended the professor’s right to free speech, but stressed that his views did not reflect those of the institution.
As many as 150 students at Badger Middle School were given a “privilege test.”

The 55 questions covered a wide range of topics from sexuality and race to religion and economics.

Among the items on the questionnaire:

  • I am white
  • I have never tried to hide my sexuality
  • I feel comfortable in the gender I was born in
  • I have never been called a derogatory term for a homosexual
  • I never doubted my parents’ acceptance of my sexuality
  • My parents are heterosexual
  • My family can afford a therapist
  • I have never been called a terrorist
  • Nobody has tried to “save me” from my religious beliefs
  • I feel privileged because of the identities I was born with
  • I have never been mocked for my accent
  • I have never been told that I “sound white”
  • I am a man
  • I went to summer camp
  • I have never been catcalled

The school district said teachers wanted to "spark a conversation on privilege.”

“If we want our students to be successful when they go out into their careers in the future, they have to understand that not everyone is like them,” Asst. Supt. Laura Jackson said.