Liberal hypocrisy in the news


Oderint dum metuant

A Wisconsin man who ran for Congress against House Speaker Paul Ryan in 2012 has been accused of trying to acquire a lethal amount of radioactive material with the intention of trying to kill someone, authorities said.

The suspect, identified as Jeremy Ryan, 30, has been charged with attempted possession of radioactive material with intent to cause death. If convicted, he could face life in prison.

The suspect attempted to purchase the material in March and again this month, according to court documents, and was arrested without incident Wednesday.
Old News OPie!

News, that most people ignored in the first place.

Madonna, or the things she says is not your problem, well, unless she hit home with what she said to you personally, and instead of listening to what she really had to say, you take what she said out of context for your own politically biased reasons, and you then literally bust a nut to shit your pants and pee all over yourself about it!

Cry! Baby! Cry! Cry! Cry! Need a sugar-tit or something?

Next SOB story please! LOL!
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October 21, 2018: Obama’s former deputy secretary of state Philippe Reines says harassment of GOP elected officials and their families “is fine”
October 20, 2018: Leftists harass Senator, wife at restaurant
October 19, 2018: Leftist charged with making death threats against two Senators who voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh
October 18, 2018: DEMOCRAT operative for Soros-funded group arrested for battery against female Nevada GOP candidate’s campaign manager
October 17, 2018: Restaurant owner’s life threatened for renting space to GOP’s Marsha Blackburn
October 17, 2018: Leftist professor calls for harassing Republicans at restaurants, sticking ‘fingers in their salads’
October 16, 2018: Leftist says he put ricin in a letter sent to Senator Susan Collins' home
October 16, 2018: Left-wing comedian assaults Trump supporter at Hooters
October 16, 2018: Republican candidate Shane Mekeland punched by leftist in restaurant
October 16, 2018: Republican State Rep. Sarah Anderson assaulted by man wearing anarchist shirt
October 16, 2018: DEMOCRAT–Farmer–Labor Party employee calls for Republicans to be beheaded
October 15, 2018: GOP House candidate receives threatening letter
October 13, 2018: Republican campaign canvasser assaulted
October 12, 2018: Antifa smash windows, deface Metropolitan Republican Club
October 11, 2018: Anti-Trump protester threatens to rape conservative woman
October 11, 2018: Truck with ‘Trump 2020’ bumper stickers set it on fire
October 10, 2018: Susan Rice’s Republican son assaulted at pro-Kavanaugh event
October 10, 2018: Former Obama AG Eric Holder tells DEMOCRATS ‘When They Go Low, We Kick ‘Em’
October 10, 2018: CNN reports that mobs have “constitutional right” to chase Republicans out of restaurants
October 9, 2018: Hillary Clinton opposes “civility” with Republicans.
October 8, 2018: Raw Story editor says Steve Scalise was an ‘accomplice’ to his own attempted murder
October 8, 2018: Leftist teacher Tweets: “So who’s gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?”
October 7, 2018: Sen. Cory Gardner's wife receives a beheading video via e-mail after Kavanaugh vote
October 6, 2018: Kavanaugh Protesters Accost an Elderly Trump Supporter
October 6, 2018: Sen. Collins online accounts flooded with abusive Tweets threatening her with death, violence
October 5, 2018: Protesters chase and threaten Senator Lindsay Graham
October 3, 2018: Threatening letter sent to President Donald Trump, Defense Secretary James Mattis, FBI director Christopher Wray and Admiral John Richardson, chief of U.S. naval operations
October 2, 2018: 2 hospitalized after exposure to substance mailed to Senator Ted Cruz’s Houston campaign office
October 2, 2018: GOP Congressman Andy Harris assaulted by protesters
October 2, 2018: Leftist protester kicks woman
October 1, 2018: Vandals paint IL GOP Headquarters With ‘RAPE’ graffiti
October 1, 2018: Senator Mitch McConnell harassed by anti-Kavanaugh protesters
September 30, 2018: Leftist Georgetown professor says GOP senators in Kavanaugh hearing ‘deserve miserable deaths’
September 27, 2018: Republican Senators doxxed by DEMOCRAT Congressional intern
September 25, 2018: Senator Ted Cruz and wife harassed in DC restaurant
September 20, 2018: Brett Kavanaugh and family receive death threats
September 12, 2018: Leftist makes rape threat to female Senate staffer during Kavanaugh vote
September 11, 2018: DC police investigate threat to commit mass shooting at Trump International Hotel
September 11, 2018: Threats of rape and strangling’ force female writer into hiding after anti-abortion Tweet
September 11, 2018: Leftist attacks California GOP House candidate with switchblade
September 10,2018: Leftist Broadway performer Carole Cook asks: "Where’s John Wilkes Booth when you need him"?
September 6, 2018: Leftists harass Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and his family
September 6, 2018: Arsonists hit Albany County GOP headquarters in Laramie, WY.
September 5, 2018: TV Writer says he "hopes Kavanaugh daughters ‘go to school without being shot"
August 28, 2018: Leftist student arrested for stealing MAGA hat from classmate, slapping teacher
August 18, 2018: Trump supporter assaulted by aging punk rocker
August 14, 2018: CNN’s Chris Cuomo justifies and encourages violence against Trump supporters.
August 12, 2018: TX restaurant forced to close social media accounts over photo of AG Jeff Sessions
August 9, 2018: FBI announces arrest for contract killing threat of ICE agent via Twitter
August 8, 2018: DEMOCRAT protesters harass GOP Representative, scream “Shame on your Mexican wife!”
August 6, 2018: Vandals throw dead fish in Lee County, Florida Republican headquarters
August 4, 2018: Trump supporter’s car has all 4 tires slashed
August 4, 2018: Left-wing terrorists Antifa follow and harass Candace Owens
August 2, 2018: Leftist arrested for threatening Rep. Steve Scalise
August 1, 2018: Woman charged with ramming a Jeep because it had a Trump sticker on the tailgate
July 26, 2018: Fayette County, KY GOP headquarters vandalized
July 26, 2018: Trump supporter punched in Hollywood, CA
July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed again
July 25, 2018: Man arrested, indicted after threatening GOP Congresswoman Diane Black
July 23, 2018: Denver Post prints Letter to Editor suggesting that President Trump should be executed
July 20, 2018: ‘Hang Trump’ Shirt offered for sale on Facebook
July 19, 2018: Anti-Trump protesters attack cafe over Trump support, hurl feces
July 17, 2018: Uber driver ejects Black men wearing MAGA caps
July 17, 2018: Trump "Throat-Cutting Art" decorates Portland gallery
July 16, 2018: House DEMOCRAT calls for ‘military’ to ‘stop Trump’
July 16, 2018: Mob assaults pro-Trump group in Los Angeles bar
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH staffer says "it’s tempting’ to beat up" Senator Rand Paul
July 13, 2018: Leftist protesters harass Jared and Ivanka with loudspeakers at their home
July 13, 2018: 76-year-old man assaulted by Antifa in San Diego
July 10, 2018: Protesters arrested for assaulting officers at Portland ICE office
July 10, 2018: Leftist threatens to ‘curb stomp’ Trump supporter at Disneyland
July 10, 2018: Fox News reporter harassed, threatened at Supreme Court by leftist mob
July 9, 2018: Trump senior aide Stephen Miller harassed on street by angry leftist
July 9, 2018: Leftists scream profanity at Sean Spicer at his home
July 9, 2018: WH senior aide Kellyanne Conway harassed in grocery store
July 9, 2018: Anti-Trump activists vandalize New York DHS office
July 8, 2018: Idaho GOP Rep. receives threatening voicemails, emails
July 8, 2018: Longtime Hillary Clinton aide publishes contact information about bookstore owner who stopped the harassment of Steve Bannon
July 7, 2018: Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) menaced outside restaurant. Leftists chant, "We know where you live"!
July 7, 2018: Former WH advisor Steve Bannon harassed at bookstore by leftist; police called
July 7, 2018: Antifa attacks Tommy Robinson supporters in San Francisco
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for DEMOCRATS to “take a page from The Godfather” to “go to the mattresses” to stop Trump
July 6, 2018: BLM activist calls for assassination of Supreme Court Justice
July 6, 2018: Brick thrown through front door Of Wheeling, IL, Republican headquarters
July 6, 2018: CNN analyst says violence against Trump supporters is justifiable
July 6, 2018: Long Island man threatens to kill supporters of Republican Congressman, Trump: Police
July 6, 2018: Florida man attacked over Trump flag in yard.
July 6, 2018: Leftist threatens to stab Alan Dershowitz
July 5, 2018: Founder of #WalkAway campaign refused service at camera store
July 5, 2018: Trump supporter assaulted in restaurant
July 3, 2018: Leftist calls for sending Trump supporters to the guillotine
July 3, 2018: Nebraska GOP office vandalized
July 3, 2018: EPA head Scott Pruitt harassed at restaurant
July 2, 2018: MAGA cap wearer assaulted at seafood restaurant
July 2, 2018: Mother of cancer survivor harassed online for thanking Eric Trump for $16 million in St. Jude support
July 2, 2018: Man arrested for threatening to kill Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his family
July 1, 2018: Washington Post reporter publicly calls on mobs to give Trump officials a “life sentence” of harassment
July 1, 2018: Man wearing MAGA cap refused service in restaurant
July 1, 2018: Antifa attacks Patriot Prayer rally in Portland
June 30, 2018: Leftist attorney assaults elderly veerant at “Keeping Families Together” March
June 29, 2018: Hollywood actor calls on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to be harassed at “every meal.”
June 29, 2018: California man arrested for threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s children
June 28, 2018: Reuters editor says "Trump has blood on his hands" for "murder of five journalists" in Maryland
June 28, 2018: Singer John Legend praises and agrees with Rep. Maxine Waters for calling on mobs to publicly harass Trump officials
June 28, 2018: Leftist journalist lies about Maryland mass-shooter being a Trump supporter
June 28, 2018: Co-Chair of Women for Trump receives death threats after CNN interview
June 27, 2018: Leftist media champion restaurant owner who kicked White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out, and then harassed them as they ate at a nearby restaurant
June 26, 2018: Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao harassed at home by left-wing protesters
June 26, 2018: Singer John Legend calls on Trump officials to be harassed until immigration policies are weakened
June 25, 2018: Burned animal carcass left on WH staffer’s porch
June 25, 2018: After refusing to serve Sarah Sanders, a restaurant owner organized a mob to harass Sanders and her family at a nearby restaurant
June 25, 2018: Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) calls on mobs to harass Trump officials over immigration policies
June 25, 2018: CNN’s Jake Tapper dismisses harassment of Sarah Sanders
June 24, 2018: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) publicly calls on mobs to “turn on” officials, to “harass” them, says they “they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop”
June 23, 2018: Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi harassed, menaced, and spit at by left-wing protesters
June 22, 2018: Sarah Sanders and her family booted out of restaurant by left-wing owner
June 22, 2018: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation writer Patrick Dussault threatens Donald Trump Jr.s 4-year-old daughter; Tweets that she should be locked up with pedophiles
June 22, 2018: DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen harassed by open borders advocates at her home
June 21, 2018: White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller heckled and harassed by leftists at restaurant
June 20, 2018: Antifa publish list of ICE agents for harassment purposes
Jun 20, 2018: Florida man arrested for threatening to kill Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) and his children in a series of nearly 500 calls to his office
June 20, 2018: Actor Peter Fonda calls for a mob to kidnap President Trump’s 11-year-old son and throw him in a cage with pedophiles
June 20, 2018: Actor Peter Fonda calls for a mob to sexually abuse WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
June 20, 2018: Police seek man accused of threatening to kill President Trump
June 19, 2018: DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen harassed in restaurant by open borders advocates
June 19, 2018: DEMOCRAT Senate interns screams “Fuck you!” at the POTUS in the U.S. Capitol. She was not fired.
June 19, 2018: New Yorker leftist "fact checker" publicly (and falsely) accuses a disabled war veteran who works for ICE of being a Nazi
June 14, 2018: DEMOCRAT Senator Nancy Pelosi asks why there ‘aren’t uprisings’ across the nation; muses ‘maybe there will be’
May 21, 2018: 14 death threats reported against EPA chief Scott Pruitt.
May 18, 2018: Leftist gunman shouting "anti-Trump rhetoric" apprehended
May 16, 2018: CNN’s Chris Cillizza depicts President Trump in crosshairs.
May 14, 2018: Black man in MAGA hat harassed, threatened, called “nigger” by leftist staff members at Cheesecake Factory restaurant
May 12, 2018: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace asks a guest “How do you resist the temptation to run up and wring her (Sarah Sanders’) neck?”
May 4, 2018: Chula Vista, CA school mural depicts severed Trump head on a spike
May 2, 2018: DEMOCRAT elected official threatens to poison Republicans’ food
April 8, 2018: Singer David Crosby celebrates fatal Trump Tower fire: ‘oh boy … burn baby burn’
April 6, 2018: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) “jokes” about killing Trump, Pence, Sessions
April 5, 2018: Trump supporter spends two hours in surgery after attack by leftist
April 4, 2018: DEMOCRAT Councilwoman screams obscenities at teen wearing Trump shirt
April 3, 2018: Woman supporting Trump brutally attacked in restaurant
May 22, 2018: CNN guest on Trump: “If you’re going to shoot him, you have to shoot to kill.”
March 19, 2018: DEMOCRAT Congressman encourages armed rebellion
March 17, 2018: Trump WH staffer Heather Swift assaulted by ShareBlue/American Bridge operative Wilfred “Mike” Stark
March 15, 2018: Student with ‘Trump’ flag assaulted by mob during National School Walkout
February 27, 2018: Trump supporter threatened with knife
February 23, 2018: Teachers make students hit Trump piñata in Laguna Hills, CA
February 22, 2018: Left-wing Guardian, HuffPost Contributor Karen Geier: ‘Hopefully’ Kim Jong Un ‘Can Drop a Bomb on CPAC’
February 8, 2018: Leftist Northeastern University professor wishes death on President Trump during lecture
February 7, 2018: DEMOCRAT arrested for sending white powder to Donald Trump Jr.
February 2, 2018: CNN writer Jonathan Tasini says, "thank God" for train crash that killed one, injured dozens because Republican group was aboard
January 24, 2018: Portland, OR, Trump supporter punched in head by leftists
January 22, 2018: Antifa calls for “riot” against Trump supporter Tom Brady
December 20, 2017: Antifa assaults Trump supporter outside bookstore
December 18, 2017: Eminem song ‘Framed’ lyrics detail the assassination of Ivanka Trump
December 9, 2017: Students wearing MAGA hats booted from coffee shop
November 27, 2017: Singer Morrissey says "I would kill Trump ‘for the safety of humanity’"
November 20, 2017: University of IL instructor assaults Trump supporters
November 13, 2017: Trump supporter assaulted for wearing MAGA hat.
November 3, 2017: ‘Multicultural’ office at Providence College hosts ‘stab a Trumpkin’ display
October 31, 2017: ShareBlue/American Bridge DEMOCRAT operative Mike Stark arrested for harassing GOP gubernatorial candidate
October 26, 2017: Liberal SF Gate columnist says death threats against EPA chief Scott Pruitt "make sense"
October 19, 2017: Left-wing protesters arrested for disrupting College Republican meeting
September 28, 2017: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos heckled during speech
September 26, 2017: Professor doubles down on Tweet saying ‘Trump must hang’
September 17, 2017: Trump supporter physically assaulted in Roosevelt High School gym
September 15, 2017: CNN host “jokes” about killing Trump
September 10, 2017: Police arrest seven leftists in Antifa violence
September 4, 2017: Georgia teacher expels students for “Neo-Nazi” MAGA shirts
August 28, 2017: Trump supporter assaulted in Berkeley, CA
August 28, 2017: GOP headquarters in Fayetteville, KY vandalized
August 24, 2017: PA Antifa calls for violence, revolution
August 19, 2017: Elderly woman holding US flag assaulted by Antifa
August 18, 2017: DEMOCRAT State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal calls for Trump to be “assassinated”
August 17, 2017: New Hampshire GOP headquarters vandalized
August 16, 2017: Anti- Trump campaigner shoots Republican neighbor twice in the head
August 14, 2017: Never-Trumper calls for lynching of Trump supporters
July 31, 2017: Montclair State University women’s studies professor Kevin Allred Tweets, “Trump is a fucking joke. I wish someone would just shoot him outright.”
July 19, 2017: Rosie O’Donnell Tweets links to a game in which the player can kill the president
July 5, 2017: CNN threatens to expose Trump supporter to online mob
July 3, 2017: Philadelphia Trump supporter assaulted by three protesters after rally
June 22, 2017: Rep. Jason Chaffetz receives a voicemail in which a leftist threatened, "Hey Jason Chaffetz, I suggest you prepare for the battle, motherfucker, and the apocalypse," the caller yelled. "Because we are going to hunt your ass down, wrap a rope around your neck, and hang you from a lamppost!" The man was arrested
June 22, 2017: An Ohio man was charged with threatening to "assault, kidnap, or murder a United States official" after he left a voicemail threatening the life and family of Rep. Steve Stivers (R., Ohio). E. Stanley Hoff, 68, faces a 10-year prison sentence.
June 22, 2017: Novelist Michael Chabon expresses his ‘hope’ that President Trump has a ‘massive stroke
June 22, 2017: Liberal actor Johnny Depp “jokes” about assassinating President Trump
June 19, 2017: University of Georgia Socialist Group calls for beheading Republicans
June 17, 2017: DEMOCRAT Strategist James Devine launches a Twitter hashtag #HuntRepublicanCongressmen
June 17, 2017: Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO) reports five death threats to US Capitol Police
June 15, 2017: Powder-filled letters containing threatening notes shut down Georgia Republican’s neighborhood
June 15, 2017: Shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-465 in Indiana
June 14, 2017: Liberal Huffington Post publishes article calling for the “execution” of President Trump
June 14, 2017: Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-NY, receives an email with the subject line: "One down, 216 to go”
June 14, 2017: DEMOCRAT opens fire on a group of Republican congressmen. Rep. Steve Scalise is shot and nearly dies.
June 12, 2017: Wire creator David Simon calls on mobs to pick up a “brick”
June 10, 2017: Antifa hurls bottle filled with urine at woman
June 7, 2017: The leftist Huffington Post declares that there is: ‘Inherent value’ and ‘logic’ in violence against Trump supporters
June 7, 2017: Woman violently beaten for saying she voted for President Trump
June 6, 2017: Effigy of President Trump is stabbed repeatedly in front of cheering mob in Central Park
June 3, 2017: NOFX singer decapitates President Trump effigy on stage
May 30, 2017: Leftist comedienne Kathy Griffin “beheads” President Trump effigy
May 21, 2017: Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL.) office vandalized, staff threatened
May 19, 2017: Leftist arrested for multiple instances of anti-Trump vandalism
May 15, 2017: Tucson school district employee arrested over voicemail threats to U.S. Rep. Martha McSally. He threatened to shoot her in one expletive-filled message
May 13, 2017: Leftist attempts to drive GOP congressman off the road over health-care vote, police say
May 12, 2017: Protester assaults GOP Congressman at Town Hall
May 12, 2017: Trump Supporters assaulted at Minnesota Capitol
May 10, 2017: Police investigate death threats Rep. Tom Garrett (R-VA)
May 4, 2017: Leaked screenshots reveal leftist BuzzFeed director wishing for Trump assassination
April 27, 2017: Parade canceled due to threats by ‘Anti-Fascists’
April 23, 2017: Antifa activists arrested for assault in Washington, DC
April 20, 2017: University of Alaska displays a painting of a decapitated President Trump in its gallery
April 19. 2017: MSNBC ‘Counter-Terrorism Analyst’ calls for ISIS bombing of Trump properties
April 15, 2017: Antifa riots in Berkeley, CA
April 15, 2017: Antifa assaults and severely injures Trump supporter with a bicycle lock
April 14, 2017: Two arrested for burning Trump sign in Maryland
April 3, 2017: Antifa terrorists disrupt pro-Trump rally
March 27, 2017: Pro-Trump march organizer pepper-sprayed by leftist protester
March 20, 2017: Leftists hit Trump supporter in face with skateboard
March 19, 2017: ‘Murder Trump ASAP’ graffiti sprayed on freeway wall in San Diego
March 17, 2017: ‘Making History’ Star Adam Pally says he wants to ‘kill Trump’
March 16, 2017: Rapper Bow Wow threatens to “pimp” First Lady Melania Trump
March 16, 2017: Conservative commentator Michael Savage assaulted
March 12, 2017: Rapper Snoop Dogg shoots a President Trump impersonator in the head in a video
March 9, 2017: Trump supporter assaulted after road rage incident sparked by Trump bumper sticker
March 7, 2017: DEMOCRAT VP candidate Sen. Tim Kaine’s (D-VA) son arrested for hurling a smoke bomb in the Minnesota Capitol rotunda
March 7, 2017: CNN overlays a graphic of sniper scope crosshairs over an image of the Oval Office
March 5, 2017: Leftist rioters assault pro-Trump rally participants with tasers
February 27, 2017: Printed fliers in North Carolina call on mobs to assault Trump supporters
February 26, 2017: Female Trump supporter assaulted in Hollywood, CA
February 25, 2017: Ohio man assaulted by anti-Trump mob
February 22, 2017: Tires slashed at GOP Congressman’s town hall meeting
February 16, 2017: Man brandishes AR-15, taunts Trump supporters, rips down Trump flag
February 15, 2017: Trump supporter’s historic Denver home defaced with leftist graffiti
February 15, 2017: Leftist mob assaults the district director for Dana Rohrbacher (R-CA)
February 14, 2017: Comic Stephen Colbert depicts White House adviser Stephen Miller’s head impaled on a pike
February 11, 2017: University of Central Florida “Socialist Knights” Club invites students to “whack Donald Trump”
February 10, 2017: Black Lives Matter activist threatens to smash woman’s laptop
February 9, 2017: Leftist arrested for attacking Trump supporter in California
February 9, 2017: Antifa leader Yvette Felarca arrested for inciting a riot in Berkeley, CA
February 8, 2017: College instructor suspended for striking a pro-Trump student
February 7, 2017: Girl wearing in MAGA cap pepper-sprayed by assailants
February 6, 2017: 6th grader wearing Trump cap attacked on school bus
February 5, 2017: Rapper Big Sean threatens to kill President Trump in “freestyle rap”
February 3, 2017: Twitter reveals that over 12,000 Tweets have called for President Trump’s assassination since his inauguration
February 2, 2017: Comedienne Sarah Silverman “jokes” that the military ought to overthrow President Trump.
February 2, 2017: Ex-Obama official Rosa Brooks suggests ‘military coup’ against President Trump
February 2, 2017: Arrests made at NYU after left-wing protesters shout down conservative speaker
February 2, 2017: Trump supporter attacked in street in Berkeley, CA
February 1, 2017: Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson suggests Trump assassination
February 1, 2017: Antifa assaults Trump supporters in Berkeley CA
January 31, 2017: Portland Trump supporter beaten unconscious by left-wing protesters
January 31, 2017: Former VP candidate, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), calls on DEMOCRATS to “fight in the streets”
January 31, 2017: Video shows Trump supporter knocked unconscious ‘with something metallic’ during immigration protest
January 30, 2017: Spokane, WA, GOP headquarters hit with vandalism
January 30, 2017: Anti-Trump graffiti spray-painted on Rowan University sign
January 29, 2017: Protesters damage Trump supporter’s vehicle after march in downtown Eugene, OR
January 29, 2017: Times of London “Journalist” India Knight calls for the assassination of President Trump
January 26, 2017: Leftist actor Shia LeBeouf arrested for assaulting Trump supporter
January 26, 2017: Texas public school teacher pretends to shoot President Trump in class
January 24, 2017: Gold Star family members assaulted by protesters during inaugural ball festivities
January 24, 2017: Woman harassed, spit on by anti-Trump protesters
January 23, 2017: Leftist charged with trespassing, vandalism at Mar-a-Lago
January 23, 2017: Protesters throw water at Inaugural Ball Attendees
January 22, 2017: Frank Luntz recounts assault by Inauguration protester
January 22, 2017: Woman slashes Trump sign because it ‘ruined her chill’: Police
January 22, 2017: Trump supporter Scott Baio roughed up by protesters
January 21, 2017: Graffiti girl gang arrested for scrawling anti-Trump and Black Lives Matter slogans over cop car, stores in NC
January 21, 2017: Singer Madonna fantasizes about blowing up the White House
Well, might as well give up on the source, can pretty much guess where it comes from anyway, one of those fabricating whacked out right wing websites, just thought it would be funny to see what "legion" thinks reports facts