Liberal vs Conservative





Liberals are nasty as you can see above... and conservatives are happy and lovey dovey people... Liberals only want to steal your money while you sleep and rape your daughter, but conservatives are friendly and will help old lady's cross the street to get to the bus stop

all one has to do is look at the smilies above....

Liberal=Bad Conservative= Good

Liberal=Unhappy Conservative = Happy

but its tough to be happy when your a po' dem.

see when your po' dem, you don't have money to have fun and your worried about prices for gas going up, but conservatives get to be la di da, b/c they have tons of money for price increases and to spend on themselves to make them happy

I'm also worried about gas prices, like most people the price of gas affects my real life more than any of the shit on here. So don't vote for Liberal Democrats who like to tax gas.

Rob, imagine if you were in Liberal Europe where the price of gas runs to 5-6 dollars a gallon. That is where Liberalism leads to.
I'm also worried about gas prices, like most people the price of gas affects my real life more than any of the shit on here. So don't vote for Liberal Democrats who like to tax gas.

Rob, imagine if you were in Liberal Europe where the price of gas runs to 5-6 dollars a gallon. That is where Liberalism leads to.

don't forget crime, cancer, immorality, and obesity.....

right dano?
I'm also worried about gas prices, like most people the price of gas affects my real life more than any of the shit on here. So don't vote for Liberal Democrats who like to tax gas.

Rob, imagine if you were in Liberal Europe where the price of gas runs to 5-6 dollars a gallon. That is where Liberalism leads to.

Ahh yes, and liberal Europe has less traffic problems with more people per sq mile than the USA. hmmm
Sure, lets set aside about 3:00-3:15 AM daily.
Everyone else would know to get off the road for 15 min and let the drunks kill each other...hmmm...Sounds like a plan to me ;)
Hey Dano....

Practice Differences
Continuity of Care for Patients and Communities
Patient care continuity, a central element of primary care, is on average probably better in the United Kingdom. Self-referral and referral by other health care providers are not possible, although this situation is becoming more common in the United States as managed care systems are implemented. In the United Kingdom the use of accident and emergency departments does not require general practitioner referral, but triaging of nonurgent problems to longer waits discourages overuse for minor illness. Also, the lifetime commitment by general practitioners to a single community and a geographically defined population greatly enhances continuity of care, whereas in the United States greater physician and patient transience limit it. Similarly, the UK geographical practice definition allows for potentially much easier, clearer identification of a doctor's community in which to practice community-oriented primary care.

UK general practice and US family practice offices differ in several important ways. With powerful NHS reimbursement incentives and subsidies, British general practice offices (surgeries) have been nearly universally computerized in the last 5 years with systems that have a clinical orientation rather than the billing-financial orientation of most American office practice computer systems. Office note dictation and transcription, so common in the United States, is unheard of in the United Kingdom. The British general practitioner enters patient information directly into an examination room desktop personal computer and in many practices prints out prescriptions as well after the system has checked for drug interactions. Health-screening information, episodic visit diagnosis and treatment, and patient education materials are all readily available.

This type of system also allows for easy, practice-wide audits and patient recalls. On-line reference searches and evidence-based practice protocols are now being implemented into these extant systems. Several competing software programs vie for the general practice business and support. Although several American systems can duplicate parts of these services, none achieve the wide use and easy accessibility found in British surgeries, although some worry about the effect of a computer screen between physician and patient.
Over here more and more DR's are turning into politicians.
Being a DR used to be the way to ensure a profitable comfortable lifestyle. I guess being a politician is becoming pretty much the same thing.