liberals a danger to the constitution

Another thread that is a danger to logic and truth. Bulletblob plays opposites over and over. Time to get up and start a thread about the opposite of the facts. It is so much fun.
Biden still wins in a landslide while tRumpworshippers slide further and further into the tRump

no taco boy the O bung holes blm the squad and the biter family are true embarrassments to our way of life our military and our freedoms they and you are a danger to America
Another thread that is a danger to logic and truth. Bulletblob plays opposites over and over. Time to get up and start a thread about the opposite of the facts. It is so much fun.

no its the truth and very logical all you have to do is see how democrat talk and how they vote your just to stupid to know about it and ignore it like a sheep bawwwww bawwwww Your follow the biggest idiots you democrats can elect bawwww bawwww run over the cliff follow the leader