Verified User
Liberals now have their stained panties in a twist that everybody now has an equal free voice thanks to Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter. Note that they aren't being suppressed in any way whatsoever. They're just enraged that we aren't any longer.
The following are all propaganda state run media stations for the democrat Party.
They're as bad as any Russia and or China propaganda news outlets. There's absolutely no difference.
Network News coverage of New Information regarding the News Coverage of the FBI's holding back the Hunter Biden laptop from hell story,
and their censorship thereof.
ABC.....0 Seconds
CBS.....0 Seconds
NBC.....0 Seconds
By the way, a poll was taken that asked people if they would have voted for Joe Biden had they known about the horrible facts of the Hunter
Biden laptop and of the Big Guy's (Joe Biden) involvement in being compromised by the CCP and others, and those polled overwhelmingly said "NO"
they would not have voted for this current illegitimate and feckless retard to be potus. Thus, the great and most successful modern day president would
have rightly resumed his role as president.
The two top people in America today that shout to the heavens to make America great again by allowing free speech to once again take center stage are of course Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Both these men have been or are now fighting the deep state that has unfortunately corrupted our government.
The following are all propaganda state run media stations for the democrat Party.
They're as bad as any Russia and or China propaganda news outlets. There's absolutely no difference.
Network News coverage of New Information regarding the News Coverage of the FBI's holding back the Hunter Biden laptop from hell story,
and their censorship thereof.
ABC.....0 Seconds
CBS.....0 Seconds
NBC.....0 Seconds
By the way, a poll was taken that asked people if they would have voted for Joe Biden had they known about the horrible facts of the Hunter
Biden laptop and of the Big Guy's (Joe Biden) involvement in being compromised by the CCP and others, and those polled overwhelmingly said "NO"
they would not have voted for this current illegitimate and feckless retard to be potus. Thus, the great and most successful modern day president would
have rightly resumed his role as president.
The two top people in America today that shout to the heavens to make America great again by allowing free speech to once again take center stage are of course Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Both these men have been or are now fighting the deep state that has unfortunately corrupted our government.