APP - Liberals are Orwellian fascists, enemies of the Constitution and American people


Verified User

-Tried to ban anyone from disagreeing with them in public on global warming.

-Advocated assassinating or overthrowing by force politicians they disagreed with.

-Screamed at the sky in the streets in vagina hats like deranged lunatics over losing an election.

-Rioted, burned things down, blocked traffic, and assaulted people for disagreeing with them.

-Called on citizens to harass, intimidate, and assault their opponents.

-Invented fake #Metoo hoaxes to keep their opponents from carrying out the public will.

-Illegally distributed their opponents' personal information to extremist groups for harassment and intimidation.

-Used the IRS and the EPA to target and hinder their opponents during a major national election.

-Launched a fraudulent partisan witch hunt to overthrow an election, while hilariously crying about "democracy."

-Encouraged voter fraud and aided an illegal invasion of our country to rig elections for themselves.

-Illegally spied on their opponents, seized media phone records, targeted journalists, and persecuted their opponents' donors.

Question: If you were given the opportunity to intervene before Hitler or Stalin took power and remove them as a threat to the world, and if being such lawless tyrants and monsters morally obligates us to do something in such a situation, and if liberals are demonstrating that they are in fact the next iteration of Orwellian fascism to rise up and commit atrocities, silence dissent, and violate every part of the Bill of Rights...then is it not incumbent upon the American people to preemptively act to defend themselves against these book-burning fascist mobs of rampaging left-wing lunatics?
What on earth are 'Orwellian fascists'? Sounds as if you've read about as much Orwell as you've read Marx!
What on earth are 'Orwellian fascists'? Sounds as if you've read about as much Orwell as you've read Marx!

This is an invalid off-topic personal attack (ad hominem fallacy). Try debating the issue, as the rules require. And Orwellian, like, calling everything the opposite of what it is ('Department of Peace' = 'The Department of War,' etc., from 1984), tyrannical censorship, government-sanctioned mob violence, etc. Shouldn't take some gigantic leap of logic to grasp what is being communicated here.
I forgot we were on APP. It seems to me that your post was not over-brimming with truth however. My own Ignore list is over-full, so why not put me on yours in the interests of civil discourse?
I forgot we were on APP. It seems to me that your post was not over-brimming with truth however. My own Ignore list is over-full, so why not put me on yours in the interests of civil discourse?

I only do that if a person endlessly fills my debate experience with inane tedium. And if you take issue with the veracity of anything presented, the path forward is obviously to challenge whatever example to which you are referring. Unless, of course, your interest here isn't really the truth.
And let me go ahead and preemptively address the trademark fallacy liberals always fall back on when someone points out that liberals have far more in common with fascists and Nazis than do conservatives...

I only do that if a person endlessly fills my debate experience with inane tedium. And if you take issue with the veracity of anything presented, the path forward is obviously to challenge whatever example to which you are referring. Unless, of course, your interest here isn't really the truth.
Your list is hopelessly general and unfocussed. Get specific with dates and place and it might be worth looking into, though living over here I simply haven't heard anything to justify even your general claims, which suggests you are just repeating standard Russian-inspired right-wing propaganda.
Your list is hopelessly general and unfocussed. Get specific with dates and place and it might be worth looking into, though living over here I simply haven't heard anything to justify even your general claims, which suggests you are just repeating standard Russian-inspired right-wing propaganda.

More crackpot conspiracy theories about Russia?


This is an invalid ad hominem fallacy (off-topic attacks on the person's motives instead of addressing their arguments, which, again, violates the rules of APP) combined with an invalid red herring fallacy (every time someone makes a point you don't like or can't refute, just rush in and scream, 'Russia!' at everything that moves). And it's phony posturing to act like the only way you can consider or challenge anything is if it is presented with every detail about the example ahead of time. That's a cheap maneuver to make me do a bunch of work so you can find another excuse to dismiss it. Refute some part of it or stop making excuses to avoid the debate.

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What on earth are 'Orwellian fascists'? Sounds as if you've read about as much Orwell as you've read Marx!

Orwellian fascist' doesn't make any sense to me either. I think it's a pretty obvious attempt to troll. But I don't think it's an egregious enough attempt to bother with.

It might be worth asking the member for an explanation of what he/she is trying to say?
And let me go ahead and preemptively address the trademark fallacy liberals always fall back on when someone points out that liberals have far more in common with fascists and Nazis than do conservatives...


Is that on topic here and if so then why would you think that? LOL
Orwellian fascist' doesn't make any sense to me either. I think it's a pretty obvious attempt to troll. But I don't think it's an egregious enough attempt to bother with.

It might be worth asking the member for an explanation of what he/she is trying to say?

Should be pretty simple to figure out. And this has already been asked and answered (post #3).
Is that on topic here and if so then why would you think that? LOL

Obviously, because the first thing liberals resort to when being shown their Nazi-like record of political violence is to wheel out the tired fallacy of claiming that Nazis and fascists have more in common with conservatives, which, as demonstrated by the post, is patently false, and a dishonest distraction.
All you have to do to be familiar with the left's embarrassingly stupid vagina hat activism is...turn on the news anytime ever.


What kind of hat is that supposed to be. I think you're getting pretty close to going beyond the rules of this section. Can you say something about liberals being Orwellian fascists? I'll say that currently in the US there is a huge part of the right that are acting like Nazis. (that's fascism)