Liberals create killer otters!


Villified User
Woman says she was repeatedly bitten by otters

Aug 12, 3:49 PM (ET)

DRUMMOND, Wis. (AP) - An Austrian woman on vacation in Wisconsin is getting rabies shots after she said she was bitten by otters while swimming in a lake. Brigitte France, 51, told the Duluth News Tribune that she was swimming on Lake Owen near Drummond last Wednesday when three otters suddenly appeared. Feeling concerned, she swam to shore.

Just as she got there, she said, "there they were - one on the right leg and one on the left leg."

She said they swam off when she shook her legs, but not before biting her eight or nine times.

Although France said the bites didn't hurt much, she did go to a hospital, where doctors started a series of rabies shots.
And just typical of the left-wing media to conveniently leave out several major facts pertinent to the story. Namely:

1. Miss France was in the water to hand out "Don't tread on me" pins to the local pond life.

2. The otters in question were all clad in "Allied Brotherhood of Otters and Stoats (ABOS)" t-shirts.

3. One otter was overheard to call Miss France a "dumb human bitch", in otter language, by a passing attorney, who happened to be taking a stroll along the lake shore.

When will people wake up and see that healthcare reform is a bad idea and will, most likely, give you cancer?
In order to create some balance, and avoid the unnecessary demonisation of the entire otter community, here are some lickle baby otters wearing hats.

In order to create some balance, and avoid the unnecessary demonisation of the entire otter community, here are some lickle baby otters wearing hats.

I see they are trying to disguise their new killer trainees as civilized animals now. Liberals are always good at disguising evil. But you can see right through it. Look at the tails all thick and powerful, and the teeth... LOOK AT THE BONES!
I see they are trying to disguise their new killer trainees as civilized animals now. Liberals are always good at disguising evil. But you can see right through it. Look at the tails all thick and powerful, and the teeth... LOOK AT THE BONES!

We must not fall into the liberal trap and brand them all evil. These two little otters are not necessarily going to grow up to be savage, lake dwelling hoodlums, harassing respectable citizens going about their normal everyday business.

In public, at least, we must maintain that we extend the same opportunities to the entire otter community, from the cute one on the left to the...ahem...darker one on the right.
We must not fall into the liberal trap and brand them all evil. These two little otters are not necessarily going to grow up to be savage, lake dwelling hoodlums, harassing respectable citizens going about their normal everyday business.

In public, at least, we must maintain that we extend the same opportunities to the entire otter community, from the cute one on the left to the...ahem...darker one on the right.
How do you know their liberals? It's quite possible they could belong to the otter party!
"...when three otters suddenly appeared. Feeling concerned, she swam to shore.

LOL. Who the eff get "concerned" when some otters show up. I've swum around those critters plenty of times. They must have sensed her panic, and decided to mess with her. Animals react weird to people who panic. Good find USC.
LOL. Who the eff get "concerned" when some otters show up. I've swum around those critters plenty of times. They must have sensed her panic, and wanted to mess with her. Animals react weird to people who panic. Good find USC.

I figure there were young otters around nearby. Either that or they knew the lady had an otterskin coat.
Just club them to death, don't panic. Otter fur is luxiourious and awesome!

Just wait. I am starting up a self defense school for Otters.
Little Uzi's designed for otter use and all that.

I trained LadyT's cat as depicted in her avitar.