Liberals Horrified By Lack Of Inexperience Among Obama Appointees



Liberals Horrified By Lack Of Inexperience Among Obama Appointees

WASHINGTON—Following Barack Obama's appointment to his cabinet of several veteran Clinton administration officials and a number of others with extensive backgrounds in their respective fields, former left-wing supporters of the new president expressed shock and outrage at the combined experience and competence of his choices.

"What we want in a cabinet is the same thing we want in a president: people who spout rhetoric about universal health care, say they were against the war from the start, and have absolutely no experience implementing any policies," influential liberal blogger Chris Bowers wrote in a post criticizing the nomination of former deputy attorney general Eric Holder for attorney general.

"As we sink deeper into a global economic recession and fight the battle against climate change, it is imperative that Obama nominate people who have no idea how to wield power in our massive federal bureaucracy." Bowers added that liberal Democrats would be comforted if Obama at least changed his mind and decided to name the 34-year-old Bowers or a blogger from Daily Kos secretary of homeland security