Libertarianism is a polite word for Anarchy


1960s Chick Magnet
Libertarians refuse to be governed, and thus have no useful role to play in society.
What argument can be made against forcibly eradicating them?
It could well be the necessary initiative to salvage humanity itself.

They've already destroyed America.
Shall we let them destroy all of humanity?

When I see people protesting against mandatory vaccinations and masking,
I'm not actually seeing people at all. I'm seeing devolved mutants who should be treated much as we treat the virus itself.
Their continued existence must be considered intolerable.

It is estimated that there are almost eight billion people on the planet.
One can only guess how many of them are not only unnecessary but undesirable as well.
Standards must be elevated if we wish to continue viewing our species as relevant.
Or is it too late already?

I've thread-banned Oom, just for laughs.
Don't take it personally, Oom.
I do monologue, not dialogue.
Libertarians refuse to be governed, and thus have no useful role to play in society.
What argument can be made against forcibly eradicating them?
It could well be the necessary initiative to salvage humanity itself.

They've already destroyed America.
Shall we let them destroy all of humanity?

When I see people protesting against mandatory vaccinations and masking,
I'm not actually seeing people at all. I'm seeing devolved mutants who should be treated much as we treat the virus itself.
Their continued existence must be considered intolerable.

It is estimated that there are almost eight billion people on the planet.
One can only guess how many of them are not only unnecessary but undesirable as well.
Standards must be elevated if we wish to continue viewing our species as relevant.
Or is it too late already?

I've thread-banned Oom, just for laughs.
Don't take it personally, Oom.
I do monologue, not dialogue.

it's actually another word for fascism.

I get the feeling libertarians would be ok with the united states of alphabet inc.
You cant assume that people who care about freedom are not interested in the best interests of the collective.
You need a centralized government to have fascism. Libertarians only provide the corporate half of the equation.

They're not actually anarchists. they want a government to enforce the laws they lobby for, but nothing that protects labors or consumers. They call that maximum freedom. But they want a banker bailout.

They're fascists as it turns out.
Political philosophy
Libertarianism is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as a core value. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, minimize the state; emphasizing free association, freedom of choice, individualism and voluntary association.

Anarchy is the total absence of the state.
They're not actually anarchists. they want a government to enforce the laws they lobby for, but nothing that protects labors or consumers. They call that maximum freedom. But they want a banker bailout.

They're fascists as it turns out.

They're also not Wilsonian statists, either.
I wish SR had spent less time reading people's PMs, and more time archiving the Libertarianism in a Nutshell threads. Best non-troll threads ever generated on FP.
Im open to a new term for when multinational corporations hijack one's government to the DETRIMENT of the nation in general.

We can call it that.

Im fine with internationalist fascism. adjective noun. concise.
Libertarians refuse to be governed, and thus have no useful role to play in society.
What argument can be made against forcibly eradicating them?
It could well be the necessary initiative to salvage humanity itself.

They've already destroyed America.
Shall we let them destroy all of humanity?

When I see people protesting against mandatory vaccinations and masking,
I'm not actually seeing people at all. I'm seeing devolved mutants who should be treated much as we treat the virus itself.
Their continued existence must be considered intolerable.

It is estimated that there are almost eight billion people on the planet.
One can only guess how many of them are not only unnecessary but undesirable as well.
Standards must be elevated if we wish to continue viewing our species as relevant.
Or is it too late already?

I've thread-banned Oom, just for laughs.
Don't take it personally, Oom.
I do monologue, not dialogue.

Isn't it progressives in this country who have argued the most about systemic racism? And a big part of that is the justice system and the war on drugs. Yet its Libertarians who have argued most vociferously for legalization, against the war on drugs and against the militarization of the police. Yet they should be eradicated?

How are you a liberal again?